have you ever converted your ATV to ATSki?


Apr 1, 2011
since we do not get enough snow, here, i can't justify spending 15 grand on a snowmobile but a ATSki seems a more affordable solution.
my bro was looking at a kit online, i figure if a guy finds some skis and had some fab skills, he could make his own. i was considering it but idk if its worth it cause i would like the back end would still sink in the deeper stuff
No, but I have run them concurrently:


Yeah, it takes better tires than these and almost NO tire pressure to deal with snow.
At least the Blaster floats on snow better than my old Raptor did.

i mean, obviously one would run the skis on the front. that part of the conversion isn't outrageous on price. the rear tracks are very pricey though. it seems some people run the spiked rear tires instead. i'm sure they do ok in snow but not nearly as good as tracks.
i seen a mod where a guy took old snowmobile track and wrapped that around his tires, drilled the ends and bolted the track to itself, that thing went thru the snow pretty good, plus he had skis on the front to

heres link for those who havent seen the ski kits
ATV Tires to Skis Conversion Kits - 4x144mm 4x156mm 4x85mm Bolt Pattern ATSki Kits - ATV to Precision Snowmobile Skis Kit

I think more urban legend than reality.
I have plenty of sleds and old tracks around, it ain't that easy.

When I was growing up my grandfather had "halftrack" conversions for his tractors like these:


With these tracks my grandfather would go back in the woods with 3-4 feet of snow on and pull out sleds with several tons of wood.

This is my old Bronco making it through over 3 feet of snow.
I am running 33" in tires aired down to about 5psi and chains on all 4 tires:


This snow is so deep I am at least a foot off of the ground.
You go slow and easy because if you spin, you dig and bury.
Faster is better if you can keep control.


Of course when you stop moving you back up and "give it" again!


We start them off young here...



Ahhh, the little cabin by the lake.


It was actually colder inside the cabin than outside.
We had our coffee al fresco.


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I saw ski's that replace the front tires on eBay before but have never done it or seen them being used. I dont see that working out all that well as the rear drive tires would still struggle in the snow