Has anyone else heard about this????

GREAT! now it will look like a honda, just great......honda riders will be embarassed to share a color with yamaha

GREAT! yamaha riders will be embarassed to share a color with honda!!!! see how it feels, JK JK, think before you post that on a yamaha forum.
if there is anything i want to see it is completly blacked out quads. idk what it is but i love pure black on anything with a motor
now that i think about it my brothers rocket was red an black it it was a yamaha. i dont remmber what model it was tho its been years since hes had that
ok maybe im wrong but about a month ago i read in dirtwheels that they are only changing the logos its sounds like to red but they are leaving the powersports logo blue ill go back and read it
ok still could be wrong but here is what it says in my dirtwheels direct words...
"Big Blue Goes Red"
"yamaha motr corps' popular blue tunning fork logo is making the switch to red. the blue logo will remain for the ATV and motorcycle-racing department, but for every thing else big blue will now be dubbed big red. stay tuned for Honda's reaction"
o damn thats what it was. i remmber now reading that out of my mag. in fact i still have that mag next to my sh*tter on top of all my dirty mags so my nesus an nefus dont find them. lmao
Lol that's funny. But o well gotta do what ya gotta due. Maybe yamaha should do like an online poll with there costumers to c if they should