Hard starting need help please

the flywheel puller is $10 then you need to hold the flywheel still as well either the correct tool another $18-20 bucks.Which you should get also, or up to you i guess.
The key if it is broke cost $3 dollars
watch this video from 10 min mark on it will explain the installation of the flywheel and key/then the remove is just reverse of install.

I would think if your carb is flooding then after you reinstall it after crucial examination AGAIN.
you could turn the fuel on to fill the carb bowl then just turn petcock off..And leave it off
It will still start and idle for like 3- 5min with the fuel petcock off

Assuming you have grounded the plug to the side of cylinder and kicked it over and witnessed bright blue spark.
And none of your wires vibrated loose touching each other or the frame.

Im kicking it with the pipe off and it sounds like it wants to start but like always it will not mixture screw is 1.5 turns out float level is set to 21.5 mm
Im kicking it with the pipe off and it sounds like it wants to start but like always it will not mixture screw is 1.5 turns out float level is set to 21.5 mm
what about the big idle screw on top of carb?
turn it up:DTo the right

also that carb pic you posted of the black/yellow wire is wrong/although makes zero difference.
i meant the other side of those wires/where it connect to a harness but could not see it in pic soo
my fault too:eek:

Does your choke/fuel enrichment knob stay open when you are kicking it or does it fall back in?

also are you really 28 years old and do you got shop money to ride it like tomorrow lol:D:eek:
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So I undid my whole harness and found a yellow wire cut a yellow with black tracer cut a brown wire cut a solid black wire cut and two more black wires near where the tail light assembly would be also have a brown and green wire with nothing connected and towards the back found a blue yellow and green wire all not going to anything someone please help what are these wires and can I cut them out of the harness


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I'm not sure why you're fooling with the wiring if you said you had good blue spark before ?

here is a cut down wiring diagram showing only what is needed for the bike to run and a few for the headlight.
it has no TORS, tail lights or oil tank wiring, which you can eliminate.

those you show above going to the back can be eliminated if you don't want to run a tail light (br and grn),
and oil tank level indicator light (yell and blu), and a black ground, can all be eliminated, just left alone or taped off.

I see you found the 4/5 way tee tap of black ground wires (tape up that connection good)
1 each should go to key/kill switches (you'll need at least one way to kill it)
1 to the headlight
1 each to the stator and CDI box
1 off of that tee tap to the bare frame ground at the coil bracket

My coil is grounded but the diagram does not show that ?
what about the big idle screw on top of carb?
turn it up:DTo the right

also that carb pic you posted of the black/yellow wire is wrong/although makes zero difference.
i meant the other side of those wires/where it connect to a harness but could not see it in pic soo
my fault too:eek:

Does your choke/fuel enrichment knob stay open when you are kicking it or does it fall back in?

also are you really 28 years old and do you got shop money to ride it like tomorrow lol:D:eek:

It stays open when I'm kicking it so the. Yellow w/black tracer and the black wire need to be touching from the cdi box ? If the tors is the problem would it still have spark just no throttle response ?? Last time I rode it had plenty of throttle response
yes there is a black ground on the coil/attached to one of the bolts that mount it.

were are you located ??
come on over i will fix ito_O
yes there is a black ground on the coil/attached to one of the bolts that mount it.

were are you located ??
come on over i will fix ito_O

I'm in North Carolina i guess I'm gonna have to bring it to a shop which I really hate having to do but I'm bummed I missed out on the snow storm :mad::mad:
to far for me:D
either keep digging or what 50bucks for a diagnose at a trusted shop?

focker out:rolleyes:
here is your naked quad lol


twostroke4life god g.gif
Does it make sense to take this octopus of grounds that are just hanging out and say bolt them to the frame as of now the only secure grounds are one on the voltage regulator and one on the coil ???? Someone help please


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Ok guys I need help bad before I loose my mind with this thing .... 2003 blaster stock bore as far as I know when I bought it the guy said that it was bogging on the bottom end but it started first kick every time and idled just bogged a little at first so I had the carb apart and leaned out the idle jet by one notch with the c-clip when it starts ....IF AND WHEN it starts it no longer Boggs on the bottom end but did a little on top end corrected that with the mixture screw ran perfect ... Now I can't get it to start new fuel new plug has strong spark and the plug is wet when I pull it .... TORs has been deleted along with Parking brake and it's got a 270 main jet with fmf pipe and silencer .... Thought on why it will not start please anyone ?!?!

Problem finally solved the tors was not eliminated properly put the black and yellow wire to the black wire and bam first kick !! Thank God it's fixed
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