hacking up plastic


New Member
Jun 6, 2012
southern wisconsi
back fenders are ridiculous on the yamys so i chopped them but be sure to put some sorta heel guard or youll lose ur foot

what about fronts? seein what you riders done with them i just took mine off I:I


  • 2012-07-14 11.24.24.jpg
    2012-07-14 11.24.24.jpg
    88.4 KB · Views: 188
on the way but stripped out those dam phillip bolts and lost the key so have to wait for those now too. haha my next project is to replace all those phillip screws with bolts
How much? Sorry for bugging you lol I just want to cut my fenders somewhat like this but I dont want them to be all over the place
lol well my dad explains it looks like a fish floppin around but i never even notice them they dont really move unless you wheigh them down with mud

definetly looks a lot better however the tires will catch your foot if you dont put some sorta blocker there