Gold mining


New Member
Dec 20, 2010
29 palms ca
So i found out i live 15miles from an active gold mining district ive been watching gold rush its got me motivated im going gold hunting i even bought a metal detector and a few marines that work for me got pans my wife says its ridiculous i told her she cant have any of the gold then
better watch yourself, since you told the wife she can't have any of the gold she may cut off your blaster fundage and make you use any gold to go towards your blaster!
My cousin lives near your base and does a lot of prospecting in the surrounding areas and the Sierra Nevada Mountains. He knows a ton about the geology of the areas he works and has collected a good pile of gold. Most pieces he finds are very small, but they add up over time and he's collected quite a bit.

Considering gold is trading these days at about ~$1,400 an ounce, you'll at least get a good exchange WHEN you find success.

Good luck!
i use to score pretty good on the beaches with a metal detector. after a busy day and also after a storm. i was the only young guy out there doing it but it was pretty fun. found some nice stuff. but i learned fast never tell what you find
My cousin lives near your base and does a lot of prospecting in the surrounding areas and the Sierra Nevada Mountains. He knows a ton about the geology of the areas he works and has collected a good pile of gold. Most pieces he finds are very small, but they add up over time and he's collected quite a bit.

Considering gold is trading these days at about ~$1,400 an ounce, you'll at least get a good exchange WHEN you find success.

Good luck!

Im hoping to get some of that gold coming in..... And @caseywoods5 you might be right about my wife stopping the blaster fund so i guess she can have a little bit
Man I didnt get to go get rich today because i have to work all weekend got called in today for some ridiculous inspection what a way to ruin someones day
you should no, that gold is not magnetic and im not exactly sure how metal detectors work but im sure its something like magnetism. you need to find the rock from which the gold orginated, usually conglomerate. (im assuming its alluvial gold?) then plot out the gold bearing conglomerate' strike and dip using a compass and a map. then do a vector diagram of the structural nature of the area on another map, then apply the data to a stereonet diagram. from there, remove the dip and locate any surface feature leading you in the direction of the paleoflow direction. then check a current map and analyse the topography as well as the sediment deposits. you must look for fluvial sediment. once you have this, find a place in reality which corrosponds to all your calculations and there, my friend you will find your gold.
I got hooked on that show hoping every week they'd find gold but every week ended in disappointment of sh*t breaking, then i find out theres a season 2, wonder if they'll find gold next season?