General Bogging/Doesn't run good


New Member
Feb 2, 2010
Well my blaster runs like crap. I just got it back from the shop for the THIRD f'ing time and it still doesn't run. Don't even get me started about how mad I am at those retards. Anyway, it bogs when the throttle is applied and then hits the power band. After that I can hear a pinging/knocking noise at higher RPMs, and it doesn't run as strongly as it should. I pulled the plug and it was very black and wet. Any suggestions?
do you still have the tors on that POS? have you tried some fresh 91 octane fuel?

have you tried cleaning the carb? have you messed with the timing at all? oil injection still there?

that's a lot of questions lol
TORs is GONE. Carb is clean, but i suppose it wouldn't hurt to go through it again. Gas is fresh. And I have never messed with the timing, but I have suspected that all along. I almost wonder if I don't have a sheared flywheel key.