

New Member
Feb 22, 2008
wilkes, NC
ok i dont kno how to do this or anything about it n im sitting on stock gearing right now n i want to change it wat is a good all around gear for trail riding n alittle bit of racing n about how much would it cost?
If you want more top speed get a 14 tooth front sprocket if you need more torque get a 12 tooth you can also change the rear sprocket but its more expensive

more teeth in the front or less in the rear= more top speed
less teeth in the front or more in the rear= more torque
as a rule of thumb adding one tooth to the front is the same as three less teeth on the rear and removing one on the front is the same as three more teeth on the rear

hope this info helps you decide whats best for you. I as well as alot of other people feel that the 14-40 combo works really well for general all around riding but you'll just have to expieriment to find out what works for you as tire size can also play a big role
i bought mine off ebay and it comes with a new front sprocket a new rear and a new o-ring chain.... it cost me about $70
i got te 14-40 combo and love it
Wow, 70 bux for an o-ring chain and sprockets!! I was going to say about twice that much would be a good deal....depends on the quality of the sprockets.

No one here is going to be able to give you the perfect answer...just some direction. What size tires are you running?? How heavy are you?? How do you like to ride?? Those are all things that come into play when dealing with gearing.

If you're happy with your tire size, I recommend just buying a new front sprocket or two...go up and down in size, and see how they feel for you. Once you decide what way you want to go, if you want a tiny bit more fine tuning you can do that with the rear. Then decide on a gear ratio and get a nice chain and sprocket!! Always lube em up....and don't even consider anything less than an O-ring chain!!
Those "turf tires' you guys are running must not hook at all!??, I went from 13/40 to 13/41 and gained top speed!!!
Run'n down the beach in 6th gear I can throw a roost 10' high and 25' long!