from bad to worse, i need a beer.

If its fouling plugs and the plug is wet then a. the spark is to weak to light the mixture, b. the motor is flooding its self, which will could excess fuel to leak out of the pipe, or c. It's way to rich and its not getting enough air in the mixture to ignite,
so lastnight i tried this. i removed the air pipe at the back, confirming there is enough air and also i tried varying throttle positions and choke on and off and had my freind shine a flashlight down the back of the carb to confirm its not getting a sh*t load more fuel than it should be.
when i was kicking it it he couldnt see any fuel but it was firing and the plug comes out wet still. so it is getting fuel or it wouldnt fire/plug would be dry but obviously not flooding in there either.
i have one of these in my garage.
Gunson | G4171 | Motorcycle Colortune Kit 12mm
i put that on, basically its a sparkplug made of glass and a little tube with a window to look down into your cylinder while its running. what i noticed was when i kick it you get one explosion in there, it fires once then nothing. thats why the plug is wet, say when i kick it it turns the engine 20 times, at the very most it fires and burns 2 of them the rest of the time its just sucking in fuel.
when i take the plug out and check for a spark it sparks blue and you get a constant stream of sparkswhen you kick, not just one. so im guesing the cdi is ok and its picking up at the stator.
i know its not the plug as ive tried a few in, thinking its the coil????
should have one today to try.
tried a coil on it today no joy, still the same. took the flywheel off, stators ok. swapped my brandnew vforces for the old reeds and cage. still the same.
im lost i realy cant get my head round this.:-/