heres the one im talking about it was a pretty quick drawing about 30mins lol so there is hardly any detail..
i remember that pic....just gotta shade it in, but killer work for a 30 min job
heres the one im talking about it was a pretty quick drawing about 30mins lol so there is hardly any detail..
so its not slipknot then would be a little weird to have decide and slipknot lol..ever heard of life of agony? they only have on good cd.river runs red but is sooo good
im a huge metal fan its prety much all i listen to. i wasnt tying to rip on slipknot but decide and slopnkot are not even on the same level..ever watch dethklok?
right on same here im 24 and most people my age that like metal listen to avenged sevenfold or destubed or maistream stuff like that but i like the older stuff to death is great r.i.p chuck also type o negative is one of my favorits but iv been geting into the folk viking metal like aman amarth ,ensiferum,turisas as long as its in metal is #1
nah deicide and slipknot are not even close but hey the kid loves metal and so do i have a hard time saying no when it comes to a metal band tat lol
i lstened to the older metal stuff.....deicide, death (RIP chuck), cannible corspe, morbid angel, incantation.....but still love slayer, pantera, metallica, slipknot.....long live metal
we would get along.....slayer, pantera, metallica, slipknot, and then some trivium are almost all i listen to
haha u know the connection metal heads have with each other......its just as strong as everyone and these blastys......nothing better than laying out a guy in the pit, then shaking his hand as ur pulling him off the floor, and its all good me ive been layed out quite a few times lol
i have a giant seputura "s" on on my back