found a project!!


Mar 18, 2010
chesapeake, va
i got flagged yesterday for posting on craigslist that i was looking to buy a projec 2 stroke but look what i got out of the deal!!
uy said it was standing straight up and leaked oil so he took off the clutch cover and didnt want to put it back together. says it runs and everything but i gotta mess with it later today.I:I
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luckily i already have a set of tires and fmf pipe to put on it... i still gotta get rid of oil injection and put fenders back on. its perfect for the girlfreind. if she can only get over the fact u have to kick start it and no reverse.
I believe the tenth number of the vin determines year? I may be wrong... but if the tenth character is a 4, it's an '04. Etc.