i call it winning, because most people would have quit!B)

i call it winning, because most people would have quit!B)
some pics.... uploading vid now.
looks like your sig pic!! and hes on elkas and your on stockers![]()
yuppp, same jump, just my sig was last weekend, and this is today lol and the 2 other ppl were on Fox.
where do THEY live lol
heres video:
pause at 4:34 and that double is where i wrecked on.
spoiled... the only thing my dad did for me was paint and put my clutch back together today because i couldnt figure it out... lol
haha..... i have no dad, so its ust me and my mom. and my mom dosent know anything about that stuff lol so its all up to me I:I
Just have to give it to you lad, you have guts, determination and a will to win, you are most certainly bound to suceed, not only in MX, but in life in general.
What ever you do keep the same attitude, I would have you on my team at the drop of a hat.
haha thanks man! if it werent fo ryour motivation, i probs would have stayed home. i was planning on it, but i also kept saying, "i have to finish what i started" no if only that applied to my homework lol
thanks tho!
heres video:
pause at 4:34 and that double is where i wrecked on.
My First Race- Walden MX 5/6/12 - YouTube
So you have listened in the past, listen now "homework" get my drift!I:I
How much damage to the bike and what's it gonna cost to fix?
oh nice man!!! i would have been 200 yrds behind the last guy lol
nothing to buy, but a lot of time to fix it. rite now i have to fix the steerting colum, bumper, and bars. also the tire poped off the rim, but i fixed that at the track. i also go the bumper fix a little. in the vid it dosent seem bent, but it was lol
ahhhh girl..... lol thats y i got 3rd haha.