finally got some +2" burgards on my 2fiddy

Feb 28, 2010
Kailua-Kona, HI


my beadlock rings are getting powder coated, candy blue, can't wait to see them. I only paid for my front wheels tho and I'm pretty hard core broke atm.. looking at paying for my rears too but I need some custom rear hubs to run them (4x115 on a 26 spline axle which durablue wants $200 for lol) I could possibly get a better deal on a used axle on ebay but there's nothing wrong with mine besides finish. this is turning into a LOOOOONG build but so long I get it how I want in the end I don't mind :D

I want a set of ohlins/peps front and rear I currently have works all around that need full rebuilds + parts.. will get new pix when I get my rims on, I need to figure out how to mount up my "bolt on swap yfz hubs as I tried and didn't get it on friday :( and my beadlocks are 4x156 so I really need to figure it out lol
alot, priority mail is about the best way to get things here, I've been shipping flat rate boxes since 2000 lol. before it was "in"

anything large 40+lbs ups starts to get similar in price on their 2nd day air. I believe after 50 ups starts to be better rate. 70+ ups is the way to go. ups is much more reliable with their delivery times but price wise is what I usually go for... here's a close up I took, you can see the silvervein :D

Man! That's a nice looking 250.

thanks! I'm not done yet ;) I'll be getting a few new things on her in a week or so that will make her look even better! I want to do some fatbars probably still in blue but new ones so it looks better than the old ones. I have braided stainless lines I need to put on but thinking better condition calipers same time maybe a different master like a yfz ir something else to retro on :D I the dual line setup from the master and double banjo bolt. just need to get my brake sitch figured out before I put it on...

when my new stuff is on, I'll definitely find some software to change sizes on pix and make me a new sig pic...
yup, the suspension sucked, the motor didn't have a pv and is 5 speed and those were the lightest quadracers and one of the best to do the hybrid on LOL

j/k, what ya need to know? I'd check out quadracerhq forums there's a growing populus of qr and zilla fans there! Forums
they're the lightest and I believe there were 310, 330 setups for them.

other than that, if you don't have a cc size I'd get an 87-90 and do a zilla motor hybrid :D THAT is a drag bike there lol