Favorite Bands

Hollywood undead, rage against the machine, three days grace, sick puppies, shinedown and more that i can think of right now
breaking benjamin, chevelle, shinedown, creed, alice in chains, saliva, five finger death punch, seether, red hot chili peppers, nirvana, and some more.
Nice!! We need more bands like these getting noticed and having their music played on the radio. I gotta check out more of Kramus, especially. I hear influences from Creed and Rev Theory in "Fable". Way cool.

Yea, I agree......

I love underground/local bands.....I:I

I know a couple of the guys in Kramus. They work their asses off. Sad thing about it is, one of ther friends plays guitar and probablly the best guitar player I've ever heard but he refuses to be recorded!

Kramus has gotten some radio play here lately on X103 out of Indy and Hallow's End has been winning every local band competition for the past 2 years!

Hollywood undead rocks...... I remember them before they ever got noticed. I just hope they don't change now that they are big....