faded plastics ??


Aug 26, 2011
Pacific northwest, washington
so i got this tank cover thats red and it was nasty, the plastic was white and crusty, i sanded it all and got to 800 grit but its still kinda dull. how do i get the shince back into it? just keep going up in grit?
a heat gun works pretty well....ive even used a torch before just got to be carefull not to melt the plastic. it takes alot of time to do and get it to where it looks good but it works
All 3 suggestions work. Finer grit sand paper, careful use of a heat gun and PC plastic renew will make old plastic look great. I'll post some before and after pics when I find the time to freshen up my rear fenders.
I saw a youtube video this morning using the heat gun method. If you don't have a heat gun but plenty of time, an 1850 watt hair dryer get you by. A DYI for a decent homemade heat gun; rewire the heater coil to for max heat and the blower motor to low speed. Of course, know your own electrical competence before modifying something electrical.
Just wondering, but has anyone ever tried headlight polishing kits?[

There a waste of money. You can polish your headlights with a small can of Mothers brand mag wheel cleaner with excellent results . I've used the stuff for so many things. I've even used it to restore a non readable game disk.
Just wondering, but has anyone ever tried headlight polishing kits?[

There a waste of money. You can polish your headlights with a small can of Mothers brand mag wheel cleaner with excellent results . I've used the stuff for so many things. I've even used it to restore a non readable game disk.

Well, then have you used Mothers to polish plastics? I was mostly thinking of the ones with a ball you put in a drill, "Tool Time Speed" :D
id like to get my sons bike like new, its clean now but want to find out i see some of you pollish the rims can i do it with this one and how would i do it. then the plastics have a few scratches how can i get that out. and finally id like to know where can i get a nice sticker kit for this bike:)


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