I have to agree with slick and AWK and like I stated in the dynoport vs toomey thread. Valley Cycles customer service sucks. Also as I stated Rich at dynoport is a great guy to deal with and shoots it straight, Im glad you called him Blasty.
Mine is ceramic coated, but like SI said you will be fine shooting it with high temp, even clear if you like the bare metal look.
Lastly, ever since I got my dynoport I've been a believer. Hand built for you, and it is a beautiful pipe. You get what you pay for, and I've learned that the hard way all through my build. I don't mess around anymore, If I get something for a deal, I always end up selling it and buying what I really want in the end.
My advice, buy a dynoport, you have been askin and wantin one for months. Save the extra money get it ceramic coated, so you aint kickin yourself after you put twenty+ dollars into good high temp paint and take the time to paint it, just for it to not look as good as the seventy five you could have paid to have it ceramic coated (and they are very, very well done), It is well worth it.
My .02$