Ever wondered if your quad actually wants to run again?


Sep 24, 2009
so i finally got around to torquing the head down on my blaster this afternoon...and 3 of the studs pull out of the jug. mind you, they didnt do it all on the try....they had to do it on 3 consecutive times after fixing the previously messed up stud. X( luckily i had access to time serts to fix it (i like this method a lot better than the old heli coils).I:I also had a bolt for the clutch springs that the previous owner had broken off so i got that out after a little persuasion with the drill. o yeah, and all the bolt holes for the intake were f*cked up too, at least those went easy for me.

sorry for the rant but i didn't think that it would take a over 2 and a half hours to put the intake on and torque down the head. i knew putting the bottom end together went waaaaay to easy lol.
Hah, don't feel bad, took me 3 hours to do mine because i stripped so many damn bolts.. I learned my lesson and from then on I ONLY use 6 point sockets hah!
so i finally got around to torquing the head down on my blaster this afternoon...and 3 of the studs pull out of the jug. mind you, they didnt do it all on the try....they had to do it on 3 consecutive times after fixing the previously messed up stud. X( luckily i had access to time serts to fix it (i like this method a lot better than the old heli coils).I:I also had a bolt for the clutch springs that the previous owner had broken off so i got that out after a little persuasion with the drill. o yeah, and all the bolt holes for the intake were f*cked up too, at least those went easy for me.

sorry for the rant but i didn't think that it would take a over 2 and a half hours to put the intake on and torque down the head. i knew putting the bottom end together went waaaaay to easy lol.

bahahahaha, thats EXACTLY what happened to me when i had leaky head stud. it ended up being a huge pain in the ass. glad yougot it sorted in the end.
Hahaha. Some days, engines just like to test your patience. Lol. Don't feel too bad. I spent an ENTIRE DAY re-doing ONE HEAD on a V-twin Kohler engine this summer. All because the owner decided to 'save money' on oil changes and cooling fin cleanings. Yeah, I know it wasn't a quad. But maybe that's why I like ripping apart Blastys. So much easier.

Anyways, that Kohler biotch ran only until it overheated and an exhuast valve seized in the guide. Lemme tell you - pulling a 200-pound engine off a fiberglass insulation blower, out of the back of a box truck, onto the workbench, all on a 100 degree Texas summer day with fiberglass insulation particles swirling everywhere... sucks. Oh, yes it does. Then there's still the small issue of tearing it down, fixing it, and putting it all back in the truck again... 8-|
dude i feel you on the kohler...i used to work on lawn mowers. I had to lug one in and out of a JD lawn mower 5-6 times one day while custom building a drive shaft. I LIVED for bent decks. cuz then you get a little revenge, the big sledge and a 4x4 and SWING
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dude i feel you on the kohler...i used to work on lawn mowers. I had to lug one in and out of a JD lawn mower 5-6 times one day while custom building a drive shaft. I LIVED for bent decks. cuz then you get a little revenge, the big sledge and a 4x4 and SWING

Hahaha. +1. SO TRUE. :D I like bent Toro Z-Master decks the best. They require the most swings (and occasionally a tug or two with the forklift) to get back into shape. Those wimpy Craftsman and Murray decks that sometimes bend too far with one swing aren't enough fun.
yeah i got to work on all the off brand sh*t... it was an AGCO Allis and Ferris dealer, the ferris 0 turns with a CAT diesel would chirp the tires if you stabbed the controls forward
Lol. I bet those Ferris' would git. Me and a co-worker used to race Dixie Choppers around the building, after a tune-up, to purge air outta the hydros. The "World's Fastest Lawnmower" was indeed pretty fast. Then you got one that wouldn't track right doin' 15mph, and things got interesting quick :o...
yeah we had one of those come through and the carbs were out of sync or something....glad i didn't get that one
It mighta had it's engines out of sync. Lol. Yes, really. Dixie Chopper is the only manufacturer I know of that made Z's with two engines on the same mower.