ever had a cutoff

whats your problem?

i rambled a little, on my dellorto. but i made my question. i dont want you in my topic. leave. mind your business. ahole
i dont want your advice. i want to teach blaaster he skipped its like 5 minutes went by, and he's like, huh? like he dont know, that 5 minutes, has went by. i got past my idle.

no reasons for me to attempt a crossthreading. no information. wont pull it as long as im not blwing iwth my CHT guage. that does em pretty good. from where im at im sure i can get to where im goign without pulling the spark plug over and over.

but i had this DELLORTO on my bike for a year and tried tuning. thats sort of why i dont need to take it off to check a plug chop. i know whats going on. im not overly lean. im around the area. yea my temps sort of went up some. but it wasnt that bad, i guess. i was running this before. for a few hundred miles. yea its tuend different. a cutoff has been tooken out. its not going to blow. im tuning.

ill give you one last tip get out of my topic. and anyone else who dont like my practices too. cause guess what i dont care and ill tune my carb.
So your saying you did a plug chop ?

told you awhle ago to get out., your a repeater. spammer. you dont help you start trouble everywhere you go. why your just looking for attention to get people to follow your forum am i right or what no actual help.
I'm just trying to get more info. Your posts are hard to understand. You can't tell if your lean or rich without a plug chop.
as i said cht guage. im sure thou a fouled plugs gonna stop heat from accumulating. so. ladee daa.

your a spammer, repeater. you just done that ive proved over and over your just spamming.

imn using the same carb i been using for a year. i know a lot about it. i know how to watch when it will overheat.

you guys got a cht? every 4 seconds, they gfo and tell you what your cylinder head's temperture is. you know what thta is? did you read, that blaaster missed i said that or something? how can he ask me to floor it for a plug chop, when im giving cylnder head temperature readings. and telling how my power is doign on my scooter. hes got the infor and hasnt read it.

but you wont ever shutup. spam
told you awhle ago to get out., your a repeater. spammer. you dont help you start trouble everywhere you go. why your just looking for attention to get people to follow your forum am i right or what no actual help.

Wow! You really do sound like BlasterBruce.
im gone. i will wait for the answers. this guys repeting. this information has been posted. blaaster missed it. im just on to him for doign that.

uhm all the rest of this is spam from this guy
Wow! You really do sound like BlasterBruce.

how does he sound? like a repeater like you still trying ot cuase trouble.

makes me think. im doing nothing sitting here. this isstupid. im goign out to take my camera. i ll think about it, and raise my needle a notch...
hey you spam guy, go cut your self then keep doign it.
you start trouble everywhere you go.

How would you know everywhere I go ? Did I get you banned from a couple of forums ?lol.
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on a keihin pwk, that like, wont quit. like right at off throttle.

28mm. not yoru bike. mine. a scooter. 72cc.

also a 21mm dellorto phbg was cutting out, right after off throttle. couldnt do nothing. the cylinder on its made for high end racing. too. maybe i thought too small of a carb.

but everyone else uses this carb on their bike. but im having problems.

but. 72cc of honda 2-stroke not taking off.
? am i just running into something?

i figured no way on the dellorto. my taper was making my bike not run if i richened it so.
eventually my 1/4 throttle, was so lean on the needle, they didnt hardly make them. pretty sure carb was cutting out. ?
am i missing something?

I have done as you recommended and re read your posts and in the very first post I found the answer to your problem.

I apologise for not picking up on it earlier.

You are in the wrong Forum!
I have done as you recommended and re read your posts and in the very first post I found the answer to your problem.

I apologise for not picking up on it earlier.

You are in the wrong Forum!

you are a smartass.

im posting for tips. and to tip.
We gave you good tips. You didn't like them. We don't know what else to do for you. Take it to Ken OConner. He can fix anything.
I have done as you recommended and re read your posts and in the very first post I found the answer to your problem.

I apologise for not picking up on it earlier.

You are in the wrong Forum!

senile. im beyond my first post. i posted information. you even responded to me about it, in the middle somewhere. i switched to the dellorto carburetor.

i said that. my last post, my recent post i said that. and you ask me to start all back over witha plug chop..

you didnt read. you forgot. your firend is taking the claim for me not being helped since i started to tune my bike. when you guys have trouble understanding whats going on with my bike, heres a tip. go ask him cause he knows how to fix it and has told me how to tear it up instead. wonder why i got mad. im reporting this to awk as my reason for being mad and hwas goign to ban me. you are a trouble maker. ill see you gone.

not you senileold man
ive got my motor put together, its an 11K rpm or higher racing edition motor from polini in italy.

all i know abotu bikes, is everyone on a zumaforums can tell everyone their stock yamaha made in japan cranks cant last on 10K rpm motors.

and all i know is my motor is put together with a motoritec taiwawn special done by me. with the bearigns and seals that came with it, TPI. and have had it running all summer. no noises, no problems. YOU DO THAT.

you do that and not rebuidl you bikes every year.

here. let me start. something. 3bond 1136. NO NO. hondabond 4. NO. not for case halves.