ever had a cutoff

look to start. im not taking bad advice. its why my scooter never got going to begin with, in the first place.

and ive got a scooter. a motor scooter. a 50cc honda elite. 2001.
if i start by plug chopping. well. i said i jetted my pilot jet. i said i leak tested the motor.

the first thing you do, to start, is.. turn the key, no .... you tune the pilot jet.

ok. im just doing this. im not sure of how to tune next. so what ill do is. not follow you guys.

startign you tunethe pilot. without a homework check. or something. im not off to spark plug chops.

im giving an idea of what its doing. its going.
at least. its got power and leaves its off the ground. im happy. yipee. now just the rest of this. which im unsure of and its going to make me not know hwo to fix it.

plug chop plug chop... i went, WOT for about a mile. no temps over 325F. sat there. im thinking this is a good plug chop. slide was pulled all the way up. 21mm carb with no restriciton.

.. but the manifold its 19mm but ive doen some dremelling.
i had a 21mm manifold and the boot got broke. i could tell, the gas, was different!?
i openned the openning, to 21mm. and as far back. seems a little, lean.
this dellorto carb has no gas handle problems. it dosnt cut out or die. i was having a sitting on the butt dying prolbem. its workign now. arggg
dense much? come on yea. its fixed? i had an oko and a dellorto. i bought the okobecause i had the dellroto since, march 2012. and yea. i havent seized it yet. 1200 miles.
if you dont get it wouldnt take off before. you don't get it works, even now. i mean. why are you lying about how the difference in a fuel carb screw and an air screw carb works? one works one way and to find any ifnormation about pilot jet tuning which you cant even do. well you can do certain things with certain carbs.

i got it. but you dont listen. and neither does anyone else not liking my topic.

ur not paying attention. i fixed teh takeoff deal. so what if blaaster didnt listen for a minute. your intentinally doing this. im leaving not respondign to you nko more. if a mod does something with you ro your posts or whateveer i dont care. or me. i dont care. ure a waste of time. people wehere mad earlier. at me.

done with this sh*t. look how long this has been. i been surfing the net for a while.

and i dont know you and you dont know me.
information digger scam artist spammer. thats what he is. he uses multiple ways to LIE ABOUT ALL THE STUPID CRAP HE DOES. thats waht he is if the forum agrees or not. not that id call it one.
qeustion? qeuestion? question? can anyone see hes an information harveseter usign your random rules. or he REALLY IS GETTING ON MY NERVES> not helping 1 bit.
its a question. its a LEGITAMATE DONT YOU TELL ME.

i can ask all the equestions i want to find out the information that would help me fix m bike. im just that good. thank you thank you.

i don need no what kinder exhaust you got.

you wanna know why? cause i dont know sh*tT.

and im only goign to figure out doing this. nothing else. if i do, i ll never FIGURE OUT NOTHING. and be dumb.

and whatever gotta know.