ever had a cutoff

I was going to say same thing but assumed if he was adjusting the clip he would have tried adjusting the idle first.
first. if im setting idle. i dont set my speed up high. i set it as low as it will run. then adjust the mixture screw. doesnt matter where the stops at. just lowest rpms it idles at. then adjust screw. get highest rpms, then im set. raise idle rpms. ill get you some books too showing that too.

on that video. you cant see it. im at 1 3/4 turns out startign. idles at whatever speed its at there. kind of low. after a bit, i find out the idles way too rich, cause im running a 60 pilot jet there.
the 58 i had done better. Oh, Yea. needed to tell you guys where i was at on the jetting
so i knew the jet was rich. at 1 3/4 turns ou the carb got condensation there, where i started wiping on the carb. i turned the screw out to 2 1/4 turns from there. trying to show whats going on. i wrote al that in the description. in my video, description. but.

no im not turning my idle up to 2000rpms thats faster than factory spec. no. i read my scooter book idle is set at LOW rpms.
and number 2. this carbs brand new repeat again i have 2 carbs and this happens on both. i bouight both of these, brand new. there arent clogged passageways. your teling me thats a clogged passageway? its only partially and no way ive never seen one like that. whatever it coudl be, would blow out. its not in there all the way.

2 carbs are diogn this. have done this ever since day one.

i bought the first a year and over a half ago. never could tune it. bought this one. thought thwat was the problem. it was a 21mm this is 28mm. everyone else has one of these. no. nope, same thing. maybe im missing something.

if i dont get something new, im just taking this thing restockign it back up and i guess ill never ride one. right?
your saying adjust my idle at 1/8 throtle using the throttle stop? what about using the jets and the pilot? and hte idle the actual idle? how do i set my rpms at 1/8 throttle?
Well I am stumped, you got me.

How about you post an excerpt from your book on how to adjust the idle.

"Tips" used to have the same affect on me!8-|:DB)

all carburetors are the same.

i can show you a video of a dellorto with a definite reason to not jet with idle high.

a fuel mixture screw carb.

adn bam dellorto's phbg manual. they say to set it higher, but only for dirtbike like higher. they set their idle, cut-off. so if they drop the bike. .. so they turn it up barely cracked. and set the idle. and then cut it off so its like you dont touuch the screw after. but only if you dirt bike ride.

i got some seafoam. no its not bad gas.. ? its a litle rich at first. so. watch tht video again. thats what im talking about, though.

yea watch the video again. about past halfway, i adjust the mix screw about a 1/2 turn out. i start wiping the carb because its wet around then. its small camera. i adjsut screw out then the pilot is a 60. i think, 58, is not too rich. or too lean. its not pilot jet cutting out with the 58. 55. i think, i dont know its too lean??? could be like, its not too lean. ? you know?

i don't know... so screw is 1 3/4 starting at the beginning of the video. and 2 1/4 later. i wrote that in the description. i put it there.. didn't know. 1 3/4- 2 1/4. then.

it runs better, i thoght a little?

so check it out
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alright quick scan back over shows a little differnet. whre i read this i dont know. the book talks about 1400 rpms being over idle on a 2 stroke. my stock idle, is 1800.
i heard about 1400 then went thats lower and their saying lower, cause 1400 is, slow? cause 1800 is stock.

well whatever. i remember askign someone about this, weird thing dellorto carbs did, plus, i thnk i had an airleak.

my motors leak proof. ill check whatever your saying out tomorrow.
so whats the 1/4 do? be strong? then its supposed too........... just go?! like. gettting on main jet?
I'm not to familiar with these scooters. Does out have a fuel pump?. I recently ran across a.very similar problem modding a small kitty cat motor and i had two options. i had to either run a fuel pump witch they weren't designed to run or i needed to get a larger needle and seat since i was calling for much more fuel do to the mods i did. The larger needle and seat worked fine for my use on the stock carb as well as raising the fuel tank 2". My other choice was a fuel pump and tap the case. Soo does this thing have a. fuel pump and if so is it working properly and are your.fuel lines in good shape and possibly clear?. I also could run all day at idle and once i revved up it was over. I couldnt keep enough fuel in bowl until i changed it.
I can't believe this thread :eek::eek::eek:

Right!! 8-| To O.P. , presume you are using jetting specks for this carb from scooter site?? Your motor is built simular to others that use this size carb? This is a genuine Kehine, not an OKO knock off? If yes is answer to all these questions, I would consider looking for other causes, such as electrical. Unfortunatly, your description of problems/symptoms leaves a lot to be desired, and I often can not descern much from vids
that weak and the hanging off throttle, is replaced now. everythings little bit better. a rich condidiotn wont stop the circuit from running and running.
is it normal? for teh idle to run with my stop completely closed. at not a sooo, low of an idle either? i sprayed carb cleaner around my boot. and it didnt raise the rpoms any. nothing black is coming around. pretty rich, alright so i

i raised idle. and lowered my pilot one size. 60-58. alrgith. started with screw at 1 1/4 stock carb setting. raised it to 2 1/4 and i couldnt really tell a lot afer that. liked it better there. left it. lowered idle. its off, pretty sure, ill have to check the throttle, take my air filter off, look.

is that alirhgt? im pretty sure my throttle cable is letting it sit. i checked it before. the cable has a littel slack. ill have to check for slack.

but the poilot hole. my idles not low enough where i turn it up to keep it from dying. its not real high. and its not lowering and dropping and coming back up. it hangs up high, and soud dies down, then it drops. its hanging on the sound and not the whatever else.
is it normal? for teh idle to run with my stop completely closed. at not a sooo, low of an idle either? i sprayed carb cleaner around my boot. and it didnt raise the rpoms any. nothing black is coming around. pretty rich, alright so i

Is you slide in backwards ?
is it normal? for teh idle to run with my stop completely closed. at not a sooo, low of an idle either? i sprayed carb cleaner around my boot. and it didnt raise the rpoms any. nothing black is coming around. pretty rich, alright so i


If it idles with the slide completely closed then there must be air getting in somewhere else to mix with the fuel delivered by the pilot.

Leak test the baby before you fry it.
found a problem with it. if the slide was pushed back, towards the airbox, not towards the engine. forward and backward, i dont know if they all do this or what, but it bobbed. it would raise my rpms. i made a video. https://vimeo.com/78585319

and so. i put my dellorto back on there. it didnt do this. dont really seem to cut out. ill keep going. had somethign to add. oh yea i never would of found my problem on a fuel mixture screw carburetor what you guys where talking about. wouldnt of camme up with a fuel mixture screw carb. i think thats what i was going to say.

like, you control the air, i have none. no control and when the carbs rich its just rich. if you have a lean pilot you can cut off your air mix completely. if i have too much air... pooey on you.
I am so glad you have got the problem sorted.

We can all learn something from your ordeals.

Thank you for confiding in us with your problems, we are now all better equipped in solving similar dilemmas, should they arise.