endurance racing with the big boys?


New Member
Oct 10, 2008
will a very modfied blaster and i mean very modfied blaster stand with the new ktm 525/polaris 525/ds450 quad's in sandy track in endurance racing?
what is rally racing?
Rallying is a form of motor competition that takes place on public or private roads with modified production or specially built road-legal cars. This motorsport is distinguished by running not on a circuit, but instead in a point-to-point format in which participants and their co-drivers drive between set control points (stages), leaving at regular intervals from one or more start points. Rallies may be won by pure speed within the stages or alternatively by driving to a predetermined ideal journey time within the stages.
rally racing=baja 1000.
endurance racing=Endurance racing is a form of motorsport which is meant to test the durability of equipment and endurance of participants. Teams of multiple drivers attempt to cover a large distance in a single event, with participants given a break with the ability to change during the race. Endurance races can be run either to cover a set distance in laps as quickly as possible, or to cover as much distance as possible over a preset amount of time.
At club level racing, a race taking either 30 minutes or 1 hour could be considered as an endurance race.
im talking about endurance racing that is in a closed circuit and won by laps.
and fabb 3 or what ever you call your self i raced mx bikes when you was still in your mams stomch,just because i dont post sh*t all day on the forum dosent mean i dont know what im talking about so get your facts stright.
what is rally racing?
Rallying is a form of motor competition that takes place on public or private roads with modified production or specially built road-legal cars. This motorsport is distinguished by running not on a circuit, but instead in a point-to-point format in which participants and their co-drivers drive between set control points (stages), leaving at regular intervals from one or more start points. Rallies may be won by pure speed within the stages or alternatively by driving to a predetermined ideal journey time within the stages.
rally racing=baja 1000.
endurance racing=Endurance racing is a form of motorsport which is meant to test the durability of equipment and endurance of participants. Teams of multiple drivers attempt to cover a large distance in a single event, with participants given a break with the ability to change during the race. Endurance races can be run either to cover a set distance in laps as quickly as possible, or to cover as much distance as possible over a preset amount of time.
At club level racing, a race taking either 30 minutes or 1 hour could be considered as an endurance race.
im talking about endurance racing that is in a closed circuit and won by laps.
and fabb 3 or what ever you call your self i raced mx bikes when you was still in your mams stomch,just because i dont post sh*t all day on the forum dosent mean i dont know what im talking about so get your facts stright.

Hey rocket scientist. The Baja 1000 is an endurance race. Phragle has done it, he also has done tons of circuit endurance races. You should get your facts straight before you go all commando on people.
learn to read e-n-g-l-i-s moron!!!!
for f*cks sake the baja is a rally and also an endrunce race read the f*cking dictionary
read this:
and note the part that says:
The first official race started in Tijuana, Baja California, on October 31, 1967 and was named the NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally
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learn to read e-n-g-l-i-s moron!!!!
for f*cks sake the baja is a rally and also an endrunce race read the f*cking dictionary
read this:
and note the part that says:
The first official race started in Tijuana, Baja California, on October 31, 1967 and was named the NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally

Learn to listen to people. I am trying to help you.


Guess what on that site they call it an offroad endurance race. Either way, I know virtually nothing about that genre of racing, but Phragle is very knowledgeable with endurance racing. He's run the circuit based races many times, as well as baja and holds world records in them on a Blaster. So get past this bs of trying to act like an ignorant douchebag, and listen to me. I am trying to help you. No one on this board will be able to help you better than him. You better get your head out of your ass and listen, if you want to learn anything.
again youll are still arguing about is it called endurance or not,its a rally and also an endurance race.
any ways i dont wanna argue about that.

thanks for the help bart and sorry i was such an ahole i just get pissed off real quik.
hope we can get past that and have a good day.
again youll are still arguing about is it called endurance or not,its a rally and also an endurance race.
any ways i dont wanna argue about that.

thanks for the help bart and sorry i was such an ahole i just get pissed off real quik.
hope we can get past that and have a good day.

It's all good man. I am just trying to help like always. We are all here to learn from each other. Try to control that temper man, it gets you nowhere. Seriously though, talk to Phragle. He is the man, in all things desert/endurance racing. I am sure he can answer all your questions.
buddy are you serious? am i acualy reading this sh*t or am i just seeing things and your acualy not posting like a flaming homo when we did nothing. if your going to be a douchebag then dont come here. we dont need another tj.
lmao this guys a f*cking tard bet you he rides like a biotch seeing how he talks like one...
I doubt that you could run with them but for maybe a lap or two then the power of the four poke will wear that blasty out! Just my opinion,maybe you might give them a run for their money but I think that those three quads you mentioned are truly powerhouses!I read about them in the good ole dirtwheels!