i saw a video of a guy drilling holes from his intake port to the transfer ports. does anyone know what exactly this does and is it a mod worth doing??
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I watched the vid and the process is kind of sketchy. We built jigs with drill bushings to do this mod. We did it for two reasons…..To keep the bit out of the cast iron liner and to be able to reproduce the ports on every cylinder. We see a very nice mid range hit by adding these ports. Take a look at any modern engine where the reeds are bolted to the cylinder. They all run these ports. If you don’t have a jig, start with small holes and work them bigger with a grinder and a small bit. I can drill them for you if you want. Just pay shipping to and from.
Would you happen to know a ball park price for shipping from PA??
i'm in PA. too.
i can ship a whole topend to ken for around $25
a whole engine for around $45
i know were johnstown is. i ride in Trevorton, PA if you havent been there make sure you get there. check it out on you tube. its like 43,000 acers of land to ride on.
Do you drill a hole in both sides? Or just one hole in one side? Thanks