Drag: con8quest6 vs surfrjag

this si the kind of sh*t talkin that is fun, i wont be there this yr but u bet ur ass i will be next yr if i get the orders i want, i might have a secret weapon up my sleeve by then....
This is getting rich for my blood luckily my pride and bank acct don't usually make it to the track like that. As for this race I was running consistant 6.3's and my excuse book says I was under geared and was running trail tires not a new set of prowedges. It did seem like I was catching up at the end. Did u like the shot of boxers? Haha they were riding hard as well. Hahaaa

yeah, you are not setup perfect for busco's track thats for sure.
I'm talking about your trail blaster. Im not racing your dragger lol. I knew one u boys would run in stomping feet. lol love it. Just bring that junk down here ;)
you dont want to race the dragger?? i though maybe you didnt get enough when you lined up with me on that little kx250 you have..lol
I need another bag of popcorn.The first one is gone. lol haha
im going to bed..the best riders and machines will tell the tale in september.
this is going to be good, talk about a pot stirrer this was...
who through in their 2 pennies? flotek people dont come on websites and take cheap shots at other builders becasue we have nothing to prove. it has already been done time and time again over the years. denny has a stack of work in his shop, and for good reason.
Gotta help out the good turnout to busco!!! Nothin like some good ol friendly SH*t talkin lol...I ain't Tryin to be a prick for the record...just havin fun!
calling someone's machines "junk" that hold records is below the belt.B) i know you were just messing though.

also who all is reading this that knows the 1st thing about drag racing atv's and the machies shown in the vids? i can tell you it is not many.

goodnight blaster people.
We all know your bikes aren't junk tater. ;) I plan on being setup a little better next trip down as this is my first year racing. It sure is addicting!!
So was this a “Mike vs Justin” or a “Flowtek vs Chutzell” race? There are hundreds of factors that go into a successful racing program with rider talent and experience being the most important. I can put a novice rider on a pro bike and watch him get slower. Put an expert rider on a bone stock ride in the novice class and watch what happens. He'll get the hole-shot , lead every lap and eventually win. The fact that you guys run different builders products was not entire reason you won this particular race. Your experience, talent and familiarity with the track played the largest part in your victory but that screamer didn't hurt. I'm planning on going to Busco this year but that's still a long way away. If I'm there, my quad will be there as well. I've never even seen a dirt drag strip, no less raced on one but I'll be lining up. Maybe we can bill this race as the “Pro Taper vs Renthal” race. Bars get hungry too. Congrats on the well deserved win Boss.
Your 100% right Ken...rider (justin can ride) and setup is the most important thing in any race...mcgraph would spank me on a bmx bike on a Mx track if I had a blaster lol. The race was surfrjag and my bike so yeah, flotek and Chutzell engines. Buscos terrain closely resembles what jolleys concrete was when I used to ride there in '96...by the way I put the rental bars from my kx on the blaster so well need a different tag for the race lol. Hope to see you down, it's a lot of fun.
flotekians with their tails between their legs....HAHAHAHAHA[/QUOTE

lmao.. ive said all along chutzell builds a mean engine and conquest is a great rider so this dont surprise me at all, i cant wait to see what i got against him and other guys with modded blastys. :D. see you guys in september, too bad ur not making it 2smoker, i would love to whoop ur ass hahahahahaha oh snap!!!! :D :D :D:D :P
Yea, I agree with noobs on this one. The motor played a big part and mike is one hell of a rider with no fear. I could not keep my banshee on 4 wheels to save my life and mike did it on my bike like nothing and ran a decent time his first try. Everyone around hear knows flotek and chutzell do great work on drag motors and taters bikes are right at the top of the game with his rideing skills as well. Its all in fun here. :)
flotekians with their tails between their legs....HAHAHAHAHA[/QUOTE

lmao.. ive said all along chutzell builds a mean engine and conquest is a great rider so this dont surprise me at all, i cant wait to see what i got against him and other guys with modded blastys. :D. see you guys in september, too bad ur not making it 2smoker, i would love to whoop ur ass hahahahahaha oh snap!!!! :D :D :D:D :P

ok noobs just make sure ur there next yr and we will put a bill on it I will make sure I bring u a tootoo and a tissue for when u finally reach me at the finish line....
Where are all taters replies???? Why delete them???? Which mod is going to fess up and say they did it????? A reason why would be nice also. It was nothing but good humor and now the thread makes no sense with the missing posts.
no mod has deleted anything....matt can delete his own posts with his tech status

if this is gonna turn into another builder pissing match...its gone!