Donuts!!! :)


Your Friendly South African Ambassador
Mar 26, 2008
East London, South Africa
was in the transkei on the Wildcoast last weekend and went for a ride with my GF, she was on the 89 moto4 you can see in the vid and came across this old sand digging area, so i lit it up a bit!

Vid 2 is on the beach next to a lagoon

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Jy gaan met klippe gegooi word! y weet die amerikaaners like nie vids somder helmets nie! Maar lyk nog steed baie nice daar! O ja hallo lanklaas gepraat.
yes i have been! To much work to be done and went on holiday to the freestate!!!! I was bloody insane to do it but had to see the grandparents again, how you've been
blasty sounds good man, sounds like shes running great I:I the second vid looks like a awesome place to ride, is this your normal riding area?
Thanks! she is running well at the moment!

ja its not far from our cottage about 3km's, its a small place of 11 houses, land was given by government to my grandfather as incentive to stay as a trader in the area, as there is nothing much else there so we have inherited it!