Dont know where air filter is located


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
New to Atv'n. Just brought '99 blaster six weeks ago and someone suggested changing the gear oil and air filter. Made it sound simple, but couldn't tell me where these are located. Need Help PLEASE!!!
air filter is under the seat take the 4 Phillips head screws out and there it is the air filter
pop off the seat take off the 4screws off the black cover and theres yours filter.. for the gear oil there is a drain plug under the quad, right on the bottom of the motor take the plug out let it drain, and put some yamalube back in or some BELRAY gear oil in ..
silly me. Thanks....Everybody 'round my way claims to know everything, but sont know how to fix it.....Imma get to work in the morining!!! Appreciate it!!!
there is also a hard to see sight glass on the same side so you can keep an eye on how much you have in there (in case you have a leak). It is near the back of the case on the bottom... It may need to be cleaned so you can actually see the level.
So your airbox is empty?? Yikes ! I may have a stock filter laying around somewhere... Do you at least have something to mount it up to? I may also have an older K&N sitting around too.. Any chance you could take a pic of what you have in the airbox so I know exactly what you need there?