dmc alien on the way

That concerns me as well I've got the carb apart and soaking in some cleaner so we will see tomorrow. I just don't get how the bike went from running badly to now it won't even fire and its pouring gas out of the over flow
That concerns me as well I've got the carb apart and soaking in some cleaner so we will see tomorrow. I just don't get how the bike went from running badly to now it won't even fire and its pouring gas out of the over flow

Crap in the needle and seat, "O" ring under the seat broken, varnish gumming up the needle and seat assembly, hardened rubber tip on needle, sunken or sticky float or incorrect float adjustment.

I just bet you have flooded the crankcase, is the plug really wet?
I haven't checked the crankcase. The plug was wet. So new plug clean carb, check the floats for cracks and measure the height. I still don't understand why the bike won't start. I will try tomorrow again. Thanks for all the help guys. My son and I really appreciate it
If the crancase is flooded with gas and oil, the plug will have a hard time firing it.

Even a new plug will not fire a badly flooded motor.

If flooding is the problem you may need to take the plug out, put it in 2nd gear and drag it round the yard to purge the buildup out.