Different Clicks


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
I know lots of people r pry sayn sure he says his buddy this or his buddy that but they r all true. My problem is I've got tons of friends an the thing is they all are from diff clicks. Like I can't hang out with all of them at once otherwise it'll b 1 huge fight. It really sucks tryn to plan a party cause I gotta think who I can all invite over so it won't lead into a fight.

Does anyone else have this problem?
not me,everyone i know whos each other and if were all at a party or throwing a party...were civil if we have a problem..we take it outside,then shake hands and come in for another drink.lol
oo you mean clique haha. and yea, i belonged to jock, metal heads, pot smokers (even tho i dont, so idk why i hang out with them) and a few others loosely. It was mostly a clash between the jocks and the others but ya i hear what your saying
oo you mean clique haha. and yea, i belonged to jock, metal heads, pot smokers (even tho i dont, so idk why i hang out with them) and a few others loosely. It was mostly a clash between the jocks and the others but ya i hear what your saying

yeaa in High School i was in the "Hes from The Lane...dont f*ck with him" clique..lol i grew up on a VERY bad street with drugs,shooting,theft..and all that sh*t so we had that reputation. We were cool with everyone just dont f*ck with us..lol
Nice lol. Like the last bbq we had some of my friends I didn't invte showed up out of the blue an walked around back an said wtf they doing here. So I had to explain it to them that the ones gpa just past an I was tryn to help him out as much as I could. So they all just left with out a problem but I thought maybe they'd understand an try an help comfy him but they didn't so I'm actully no longer friends with all of them. Thank god. Not tryn to sound dickish but that's one group of peeps I didn't really care for anyways
Nice lol. Like the last bbq we had some of my friends I didn't invte showed up out of the blue an walked around back an said wtf they doing here. So I had to explain it to them that the ones gpa just past an I was tryn to help him out as much as I could. So they all just left with out a problem but I thought maybe they'd understand an try an help comfy him but they didn't so I'm actully no longer friends with all of them. Thank god. Not tryn to sound dickish but that's one group of peeps I didn't really care for anyways

yea that sucks man,i look at it like this,if they cant respect you enough to get along or at least deal with the other ppl ur friends with..there not friends worth keeping. Im not cool with all my friends friends but i respect them enough to not cause problems. Its childish. If that person opens his mouth and is disrespectful then it on like donky kong..lol.
yeaa in High School i was in the "Hes from The Lane...dont f*ck with him" clique..lol i grew up on a VERY bad street with drugs,shooting,theft..and all that sh*t so we had that reputation. We were cool with everyone just dont f*ck with us..lol

thats pretty much the same here, but we called them "tree streeters" lol cuz they all live on elm, pine, oak, birch streets, they are all sh*t holes and just bad places to live on
thats pretty much the same here, but we called them "tree streeters" lol cuz they all live on elm, pine, oak, birch streets, they are all sh*t holes and just bad places to live on

lol i lived on BUNNS LANE...WTF kinda name is that for a street right? everyone calls it "THE LANE" tho..lol
hahah ya thats a strange one. We got a hooker st. up here

* sorry bobdryerr, waay off topic here lol
I live on franklin street. Never made fun of me for that just being my last name they did. DRYER lol. So just to get them to shut up in class once there like bob where u from nyways. First thing I said was Maytag. Ever since that day they all respected me. Lmfao
I live on franklin street. Never made fun of me for that just being my last name they did. DRYER lol. So just to get them to shut up in class once there like bob where u from nyways. First thing I said was Maytag. Ever since that day they all respected me. Lmfao

Lmao..thats cool i have a simalur story to that cause i have a pretty f*cked up last name..Marz..lol I moved out of Woodbridge and to Neptune township a couple years ago and i was talking to a girl that i had met threw my Bros wife and she goes "thats pertty funny,ur last name is Marz and you live in Neptune" my instant reaction "yea and if you keep makin jokes ill put it in Ur Anus" lol the entire room started dying laughing. lol

But back to topic,yea cliques suck sometimes.
thats how it is at my school except its piketown road n they are from "the pike" and they all are crazy as f*ck lol n i hang with them alot but am not from there
im pretty cool with everyone...but i have my choice of clique's...football/cheerleaders are whom im with about 95% of the time...figure i spend about half my life with all of'em anyways...but every now and then ill go kick it with other types...just depends what kinda mood im in...
the neighborhood where i live the streets are named cranberry, mulberry, and rasberry. i think some hungry vegetarian named them lol
Yeah I hate cliques, and highschool. It seems like everybody hates everybody in my school. Like I'm bestfriends with one kid and he hates my other friend who hates him right back and they both hate one of my other friends its like a circle of hate. Lol but they never actually take it out with fists. But I'm usually hanging with the football players, or the pot smokers. And I live right off of pine street so blanshee man whatchuu got tah seyh bouut muhh hoodd?
man u were talking about ppl making fun of ur last name try going though school with the last name Haynes its close to Hayes but everyone still makes fun of u for it
and at my school the ppl u don't mess with live on the hill
in highschool.. i got along with everyone... my choice of friends were the 'premisquios' (sp?) girls.... lol... if ya get what im sayin... hung around the rednecks and racists mostly....

now iv been outta school for 8 years... i having around car guys/ girls and the adrenaline junkies ( quads trikes and bikes)

in hs.. i got in 3 fights... won all three so no one really bothered me... now im 26 and still gotta rep as someone not to fk with.... so does my wife... girls wont talk to me or come near me cos there afraid of my wife lol
in highschool.. i got along with everyone... my choice of friends were the 'premisquios' (sp?) girls.... lol... if ya get what im sayin... hung around the rednecks and racists mostly....

now iv been outta school for 8 years... i having around car guys/ girls and the adrenaline junkies ( quads trikes and bikes)

in hs.. i got in 3 fights... won all three so no one really bothered me... now im 26 and still gotta rep as someone not to fk with.... so does my wife... girls wont talk to me or come near me cos there afraid of my wife lol

same for me mostly.I:I ive only been out of school for 6 years lol