Dakotademon7's build gone addictive


Norman 420 spindles.
awesome man! going to be a sweet ride for sure. I:I a atlanta falcons sticker would look good with all that black and red lol :D I:I I:I
I'm having a little hard time doing this. Or should I say not over doing it. I have to keep telling myself it's only going to get dirty and tore up a little from hard ridding. I keep wanting to do every part perfect with alot of detail. It's for ridding. Not showing. Lol. I tend to over do a simple project.
For one,I'm thinking of going to the sign shop and getting decals made up to look like the Yamaha logo to fit in the round part on the end of the upper a arms. Not sure get if I get it black or chrome.
i understand that man, i almost have as much fun tinkering/working on mine as i do actually getting out to ride