Dakotademon7's build gone addictive

Here's the original first ride vid. I was just now able to upload it from a good wifi spot. Don't mind me in the vid. I was feeling sick as hell that day. Did the ride and went to bed. I got the clutch working rite and found out the high rev was an old screw hiding in the thumb throttle. Hope you enjoy. This one has much better sound.
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Pretty good looking quad. Glad to finally see a vid after all the reading lol. Now lets get one up of the tuned and fully fixed bike ripping some ass around the yard lol.
Been awhile since I've been on but just saw your first true ride, Hehe ... never thought it would happen ... j/k, anyway 75 pages of build and ya finally got a running custom ... rep for that I:I
Lol. Thanks buddy. I've had a great time building this Blaster. As long as there's still upgrades I can do to it, the build will keep going.
Thanks. There a little deeper then I thought.lol. I think I sucked a little water because it was bogging a little. It cleared out and revs fine now.
prolly just water under the plug cap, or those stator connections above the shifter, they all do that now and then
that little bit of splash wont be enuf to penetrate a well oiled filter under the seat
I have to learn how to drift it. The powerband hits real hard.it doesn't roll into the powerband. It's more like hitting a switch. I think adding the stroker crank will make it better. Jumping up to 20's on the back would probably help to. Have to deal with the shifter to. The nerf nets didn't give me room to slip my foot under the shifter so I adjusted it up. Now I'm having a little trouble shifting because it's a little hard flexing my foot that high to get a solid shift. I'm going to adjust it back down and trim my net.
give the nets some ride time, they will be sagging after a few long rides
I've sprained my ankle so many times that it doesn't flex as far and as easy as a normal persons does. I'll just have to adjust it till I find a good position.
Taking the Blaster to the new house today. There may be a new build thread after Chistmas. I got the spare frame to work with and plan on a motor swap. Like to stick with a yamaha brand 250 for the swap but I'll have to see what I can get my hands on.
This is the powder coat I'm going with on the frame.