Dakotademon7's build gone addictive

BbbbbbrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaapppppp! Just fired her up. Started with one kick, idled good, reved clean. I would take her out but I have to go to work. Try to get here out tomarrow. I have audio only of it. Illhavetofindout how to uploadon YouTube .
BbbbbbrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaapppppp! Just fired her up. Started with one kick, idled good, reved clean. I would take her out but I have to go to work. Try to get here out tomarrow. I have audio only of it. Illhavetofindout how to uploadon YouTube .

praise the lord, halle-fuggin-lujah
we finally have fire
now, pics or sound................ or your lying
Sorry it's only sound . I desided to try her at the last minute before getting ready for work. I wasn't sure it would even start. I just laid the phone down and hit record.Thanks 1995 Blaster. Rep.