Crazy trike we build


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
South Africa

We build this trike from everything we could put our hands on. This was done some time ago, i'll look for some more pics of it. This is the wife and i "trying" to ride it. It was a biotch to ride.
Frame- don't know
Motor- 400 PE
Body- Kawa fuel tank
Exhaust- Home build
Nerfbars- Home build
twist grip

We build this trike from everything we could put our hands on. This was done some time ago, i'll look for some more pics of it. This is the wife and i "trying" to ride it. It was a biotch to ride.
Frame- don't know
Motor- 400 PE
Body- Kawa fuel tank
Exhaust- Home build
Nerfbars- Home build
twist grip

lol redneck styleI:I
wtf is that in the background? looks like a tribal warrior lol