Crank nut coming loose


New Member
Apr 19, 2013
I was riding my bike I heard a nose in the side case clutch case. The crank nut came loose and key came out. My question is if I caught it quick will there be any damage? Piston or rings? I'm replacing key. The bike has less than 5 hours on top end. .60 over should I be concerned about crank seals?
Should not have caused damage in the top end. I would be more concerned with the threads on the crank. You had to pop the cover off to know the nut came loose. How did everything look?
The nut was still threaded I won't know till I put it back together. Hopefully tomorrow. The previous owner had the case off the gasket is still fresh. Any recommendation on tightening the nut down? Loctite?
I don't have the tool so I just use a air impact gun. You have to be careful though. I think the torque is 55 pounds or something like that.
You need the clutch locking tool to correctly tension the crank nut, you can make one out of angle iron if you want, il post up some pics of mine sometime.

Use locktite anyway, as well as the locking tab that should have prevented such a misfortune in the first place. Follow the manual on the fix up and be sure not to deviate from its instructions. These guys knew what they were doing when they wrote the manual.
don't know if it has "your" style of holder. Also, if OP is just tightening crank nut he can use either a penny or rag between the gears, have used this "method" many times on blaster and other engines.
Thanks I really appreciate the replies. I am new to blasters. And I bought one someone messed with