cr500 motor in 450r frame?


New Member
Jan 24, 2008
im kinda hunting for suggestions be cause my cousin has has 06 trx450r that someone drained the oil out of and made him destroy the motor. so instead of spending all of that cash to get the 450 motor fixed i gave him the idea to try a cr500 motor. im just wondering had anybody tried this before and if so what did it take to make it happen. if anybody can help i sure would appreciate it.
you know i didnt even think of a 250's 310's or the 350's which would probly be a lil cheaper im guessing cause i really dont know much about honda 2 strokes. i just know the 500 is a pure beast.
That twin cylinder is sketchy, i have looked into it and i never got a response. And what happened to his 450? Having it run low on oil is not catastrophic if you turn it off when you hear the ticking. I will buy it from him if he ask a resonable price.
he had no knowledge of the oil being drained someone did it out of spite and hes not the most technical minded person when it comes to motors and stuff. plus he had been riding the hell out of it so it probly needed more work prior to that. but all i know is what i saw the bottom end was busted real bad and i mean bad the cylender was scared pretty bad too. like i said somebody sabatoged(spelling) his bike.
That twin cylinder is sketchy, i have looked into it and i never got a response. And what happened to his 450? Having it run low on oil is not catastrophic if you turn it off when you hear the ticking. I will buy it from him if he ask a resonable price.

yea i kinda figured that would be the case with that but it does look so bad ass. and it wasnt low oil it was no oil, i think they drained the coolent out to or sumthing i don know i was living in florida when it happened but i seen the result when i came back.