
tell you what i had a close ass call this past weekend riding up a road came over a nole and whadya know 2 troopers siting their locked em up whiped it around 6th gear hiting the rev limiter drifting w.e it took i wasnt geting caught and we only took the road cause my friend "couldnt get muddy!"
best one ever was when my dad was towing a load of meal threw town doing 50 in a 30 and the speed camera detector came up 5 secs to slow down so my da locked on the brake's smokes coming out of the trailer and jeep tyres the pealer looked at us pulled us in and asked wdf we were doing and my dad was lyk a dog ran out LOL I:I
I jus got caught to days ago nd now my mom wont let me get the yz250f she was fing pissed wen she had to come to what we call "the circle track" which is located on private property behing a cookie factory lol neways the i am friends with the cops son and got off easy with just a juvie card. The ironic part is after we took a break from ridin we went to go make a trail to get away from the cops if they ever came well right as we finished the officer was waiting by our bikes lol