anybody got any good stories about getting in trouble with the cops?
last thing that happened to me was i was riding in a sand pit over the summer and there must have been 30 people there. so everyone was riding around and then this dude on a predator rode up to me and said there were 3 cop squad cars on the other side of the pit and eventually everyone saw them so there was a massive scramble. everyone darted into trails and into the woods to get away from the cops so me and my friends that were riding with me road into the woods and hid behind my friends shop a little ways across the road and about 5 minutes later a cop walks behind the place and starts yelling at us but he couldnt do anything cuz we were on my friends property so he eventually left with just giving us a warning but idk how the hell he knew where we were lol
last thing that happened to me was i was riding in a sand pit over the summer and there must have been 30 people there. so everyone was riding around and then this dude on a predator rode up to me and said there were 3 cop squad cars on the other side of the pit and eventually everyone saw them so there was a massive scramble. everyone darted into trails and into the woods to get away from the cops so me and my friends that were riding with me road into the woods and hid behind my friends shop a little ways across the road and about 5 minutes later a cop walks behind the place and starts yelling at us but he couldnt do anything cuz we were on my friends property so he eventually left with just giving us a warning but idk how the hell he knew where we were lol