Computer, Cell and Gaming Chatter

open a browser and go to

i forgot about that
but it asked for user name and password anyway

reinstalling cysco connect onto toshiba thru memory stick it came with
will report back
reinstalled cysco connect, ran program thru, same results...local only
i give up for now :(
^^ Actually I believe my father in law plays that.. Im not into the games much myself (Probably because I suck) But the rest of the fam is.. Sometimes he is up for days and barely sleeps.
got a pic of this router?
there is a on off button on mine/on side
and another button to disable security it say it right on the router.
but i still think it is the computer.
i had a problem with our a wek ago...somehow it erased our internet name
and we had to connect to a different name...netgear with our password.
even had comcast come here lol
they sayed if you hit the rest button with like a pin and if you hold it for a really long time it will complety erase settings.If you hold it for a short time it will only do a partial reset,but i dont know if you should do that cuz you might be internet less complety on christmas lol
any other wifi signals there that are unsecure that you can connect?
or try typing your password into a different secured network....actually read your other device that is still connected does it still say your name?
you got the disc right.
restore it to factory settings again and get after it,if you can but yah know

oops i did not even read your other post lol:)

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well ain't this a crock of shizzle......or not

I am on this toshiba right now typing this :)
but i am at my mothers and it connected right up to her wi-fi signal local and internet
but will only connect local to my cysco, wtf !

gonna do some updates while it's connected
be back on later.
make sure you update
internet explorer
date and year are correct/check it
and then after that do this disck check like i said,you dont need internet for it.
Java updated.
Will not allow a direct download of latest IE or Chome ?
Rebooted and 30 of 122 windows updates installing. Gonna be a while.
Hopefully these updates solve the mystery ?
Will put chrome and IE on disc from the dell and force install on here next.
it is a pain in the butt
just try to get all or most of updates to work
and seriously do the disk broke you put new windows on it.
the check disk is going to find errors trust me,regardless of new windows installo_O
ill check and see what lastest version of ie is if i can
do the disk check awk..even if it dont slove internet problem it will help and solve other issues.all you got to do is hit a few buttons and walk away it will restart,then say if you want to skip disk check press any key,just dont touch it,you can even fall asleep if you need to:)

my internet explore says internet explore 9,but i have not used it in long time not sure if you can go higher then that with vista
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back home again and "nessun collegamento" for the toshiba, local only again :(

this leads me to believe it is definately a problem with my router or the security of.
too late for me to fool with it tonite, tomorrow i'll remove the security/password and or try another wep
Shoulda listened to myself :(
Fooled with the Cisco settings, first I couldn't sign in here as it said I needed to except cookies ? Checked and cookies are enabled on lowest setting to allow all, now I had to reconfigure the whole router and am local only on my dell to.
This is thru my phone.

this toshiba is getting a 16 round clip of .40 hollow points tomorrow, with vid posted of said demolition !!!!!!
lol...or you can give it to ur mom since it works there. I used to have a similar problem with a dell with vista I had years ago, but don't remember how I fixed it, possibly re-installing driver for the wireless... not sure tho
lol...or you can give it to ur mom since it works there. I used to have a similar problem with a dell with vista I had years ago, but don't remember how I fixed it, possibly re-installing driver for the wireless... not sure tho

Yep mom will just love some new age computer art......Toshiba full of holes !
If it was me I'd sell it to somebody...bullets are too expensive lol, but great stress relief which is priceless. I sold a broke hp that somebody gave me for like $20 on ebay, the display didn't work. A week later the guy messaged me, he fixed it and said I could buy it back for like $100 or he was gonna sell it for like $150, I thought damn I prob could have fixed it and made that cash
If it was me I'd sell it to somebody...bullets are too expensive lol, but great stress relief which is priceless.

thats why i'm as old as I am and don't have any grey hairs yet :)
if it's stressful, it gets eliminated or in some cases...exterminated !

but i did get back connected on the dell, had to totally reinstall and reconfig the router, then tell this dell, my 2 cellphones and the tab4 the new name and password.
the toshiba just got done with a chkdisk, and it's still local only..........