I'm hoping to be able to put some mud on the fenders Saturday. It needs carrier work, I guess the bearings are a little bad, but I'll at least be riding. Took the head off and inspected the sleeve and piston before I put everything back together. The sleeve looks like it's in pretty good shape, piston looks equally good. I put the micrometer on it and it hasn't been bored yet so the big bore is relatively new. It has also been ported and chambered already by the looks of it. I didn't get pics of it when I had it apart, but it's looking like it should scream when it's done.
On the maintenance side of it, the front sprocket and chain are pretty tore up so a 14t will replace the 13 and I'm going to have to get a new chain. The brake cables were frayed and not pulling evenly so I got motion pro cables. The bars were swapped to renthals, I've got some 350 raptor heel guards ready to go on as well.
I'll hopefully have some pics and videos this weekend of it shredding things up.