
I Was thinking Of This After i Seen Blasterfreek's I Believe , The Hardest Part I See Is Sealing It , The Lexan Or Plexiglass is Readily Available But to Seal it on the Clutch side is another thing , I'm Probably Going to Make a Stator Side Cover Since i have a Few Of them Laying Around , Just need to Go Get Materials !
It can be done at home in a crude fashion.Sealing it up is the easy part cutting it properly is going to be the tricky part without being a machinist and acess to that tooling.

I had a cracked one i played with on the drill press using a series of holes it turned out suprisingly well but i never got to serious with it because the cover was cracked so i tossed it in the scrap heap.

I say give it a try on a spare like you said and take your time and i dont see why it wouldnt turn out nice.Plexi will not likely be the best id go with lexan plus plexiglass scratches super easy.
I made a clear clutch cover and I used a jig saw and a flapper disc on a die grinder to do mine. it worked just fine. doesn't look as nice as I want it to but I still turned out pretty good
well im gonna try do do both iv got 2 parts blasters and a clutch cover that has a hole in it im gonna try it first and seal the hole up with jb weld and grind it down smooth and a extra stator cover