check this out

look at this i sent

giv u 1400,that's the most youll get

and he said back

Just agreed on selling it today to a guy in vero for $2200. Sorry you missed the chance on the baddest Blaster in town buddie check the Miami Circuit cause the guy is on his on his way here with a trailer now to get it.. Told you this is not any Nigger bike and they dont make two strokes anymore.. Damn that sucks for you man.. Well have a good one and after tonight it will no longer be on CraigsList.. But in all man good try on the talk me down sh*t if I was like a crackhead or something, but instead I found another person that appreciated the old school as much as I do..Good luck in your search Sport..
i just got this lol

well now they dont make any more two strokes, and please leave me the f*ck alone.. I will report you if you ever email me again and press charges.. Have a nice life physco...
i call bullshitt, i bet hes just taking it off craigslist and putting it on ebay or something...