changed around my 'emergency lighting'


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
took the red strobes out of the front ( got to order amber ones) left the whites in the front, and put one of the reds in the rear, since i didnt have one on the left side, also mounted my rotator light to the inside of the trunk lid and wired it to come on with the trunk light.

reason being for the lighting is, i shovel and snow blow in the winter and do it at night so i need the lights for when im parked on the road, and also road side service.. when ya sh*t breaks down at night and ya got that one buddy ya call thats allways willing to help a friend and bring tools... thats me!!!

new vid of the lights.. i dont think anyone can miss this car parked on the side of the road at night!

PICT1052.flv video by 4cfed88 - Photobucket
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granted the strobes were in my car when i bought it but it saves me the money of buying everything... im definatly gonna spend the time to remove all the lighting when it comes time to sell the vic. save my self about a grand
Nice ride. I keep eye balling the DPS selling yard every time I go by it. I would love to have one of those high way patrol cars. I've probably already paid for one. Do you think they would just let me have it?!
Looks like a cop car big time XD

We saw a quad once with those lights and it was a big utility quad and we were on Posted property... we thought it was a cop so we ran lol, then like 30 minutes later, it came cruising past and waved... so we must just be dumb.