cant find my air leak


New Member
Mar 22, 2013
Doing my leak testing and I'm hearing it but can't find it.(using wd40 to try to find bubbles).had 1 from what seems to be a vent hose? To the bottom end? Is ran along frame up to my front end. Plugged that up but I'm still hearing 1 and drops pressure fast till about 3 lbs and slowly drains that. Is near the back of my motor somewhere I just cannot find it. Any ideas of possible location?
Yup, the vent hose is from the gearbox, you have bad crankshaft seals.

The other one you hear could be coming from the flywheel side seal.

If the noise seems to be coming from the back, pay particular attention to the reed cage and carby boot, they leak notoriously from there.

Soapy water is way better than WD40.
Checked reed cage/boot. Isn't those. I'm done messing with this p.o.s

Just gunna sell to get my cash back out of it
Its 1 thing after another. No sooner get something fixed and find another issue. Just found carrier bearings are shot. Didn't even begin to do back breaks(typical cable brakez not working)
One more reason why I don't use WD for much. If at all

Sure won't get much out of it if it won't run properly. :(

Gonna throw in the towel over $20 worth of seals? :o

Good luck with the rest of your life, it's rougher than an air leak I:I