C0D black ops.

I might have to take back a couple games and get some money out of the bank and have my mom give me some money. But going through all that trouble is worth it because black ops is going to be crazy.
i got outta playin COD. and it was the best thing i ever did. i actually do stuff now and dont sit around all day. i havent touched my xbox in like 4 months. actually just got an email today sayin my live membership is over.
i dont even go to school. i go work all day for a class co-op for apprenticeship hours. my back kills cuz i shingled all yesterday, and today from 8 till 4. uhhhggg. definitly dont wanna be a roofer for a career.
Black ops is ok, not as great as people thought it would be. The spawns on the small maps are so sh*tty and the lobby connection is terrible. It takes like 5 minutes to find a match. Treyarch sucks at making games.
i think the main problem, not enough servers were up and running last night for the game. it was great when i started to play during the afternoon, at night it got slow.
i think the main problem, not enough servers were up and running last night for the game. it was great when i started to play during the afternoon, at night it got slow.

The match making is just terrible you can sit in the lobby for 5 minutes and not connect. And you can get in a lobby and be playing but there will on be like 3 players on each team. Its pretty sh*tty right now.
Am I the only one in this world that thinks Call of Duty sucks...?

No, not really. I had to get black ops because everyone else was getting it. But i think i started hating call of duty because of MW2. I hated it when i would kill someone with a sniper and i hard scoped them and they yell out "what a hard scope". Well excuse me all to hell, sorry for using a sniper for how it is intended to be used. People are so stupid about quick scoping. And nube tubing, thats another thing that pissed me off. One man army nube tubes is so gay, its up there with lightweight, marathon, camando tack knifers. Hate those douches. :D