brilliant ways to catch thieves/vandals


New Member
Oct 30, 2008
So there`s a group of people breaking in and steeling cars all over where I live. This guy/group is going to die when I catch them. They broke into my moms car awhile back and didnt steal anything. Now their stealing cars as a cop told me. They tried breaking into my moms car twice last night. The first time my moms alarm key beaped telling her the car was being tampered with. She looked out the window and saw somebody messing with it but they also saw her and took off. My brother in law grabbed his PPK and I grabbed my AK47 and we ran out the house after them but couldnt find em. Later at around 7:00 my mom caught them again but they dove into their car and took off. You could say I`m pissed!

Ways to catch them:
A cop told my mom he would sit in the back seat of her car some night and when they open the door, he`ll shoot them.

I wanna kill the pieces of sh*t but then I`ll be in jail. I need a silent way of killing them. I have a pellet gun that shoots 800fps and is dead accurate so I could sit on my roof and when the dick desides to touch the car I could put a pellet strait through his eye which would then enter his brain and parslyse/kill him. Then I could through the biotch into the trunk and burry his ass.

any other ideas are welcome

P.S sorry if this offends anybody but this has to stop
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mm wow.. not sure about st luu.. but i know most places if you shoot someone 3 inches below the groin its none fatal there for not atemted murder... why kill?? just injure,,
paint ball gun with the velocity cranked up. loaded with jaw breakers candy..

sorry just woke up and cant spell for crap yet
first all the ideas you had are wrong. you have no right in america to shoot someone for breaking into your car. unless there is a threat to you or another person, you cant just shoot them. doing so would lad you a murder or man sloughter charge. Next, running outside with loaded guns. not smart either. there are laws against that. its calld brandishing a firearm in public. even if you are in your front yard you are still in public view.

i would recomend you get more police out there. you would be amazed how much crime goes down just by police presence. you can always request extra patrol. also just call when you have something going on. they will come out and do an area check.

bottom line is call the police. a burglary in progress is a priority call and they will get there quick. dont scare them away, keep them there so the police can catch them in the act.
i dont know about st louis but in kc about 5 hours away the police are slow if it aint their sh*t they dont care and 4cfed has a good idea with the paint ball gun freeze the paint balls or like blaster freak said use marbles lol remember less deadly less penalties assult charges arent as bad as murder charges
yes i understand that but is a fleony assult charge really worth it just for breaking into your car?

i dont know why your police are so slow to respond to a felony in proress. here in california is pretty much a code 3 ride untill we get close, the we kill the lights and siren so we can sneak up on them,
i know it sucks but don't shoot them, what if you shoot them with a paintball gun and they have real guns, also they will know where its coming from and later they could bring their mates round and trash you house and car, it happend to a frienda few years back and they put bricks through his windows when he was out.

you could fire a few shots into the air to scare the sh*t out of them but i don't know if its legal
i wasnt talking about head shots with the frozen paint balls thats just wrong but a good leg shot would slow them down or even a gut shot nothing lethal and your right d. jackson the slow police response time is bs theyre just lazy around here
do what D.Jackson told you,if you try to get back at them,it might not go so well,they oculd bring there mates and trash your house and sh*t,or even worse,go after you and family and friends.
So there`s a group of people breaking in and steeling cars all over where I live. This guy/group is going to die when I catch them. They broke into my moms car awhile back and didnt steal anything. Now their stealing cars as a cop told me. They tried breaking into my moms car twice last night. The first time my moms alarm key beaped telling her the car was being tampered with. She looked out the window and saw somebody messing with it but they also saw her and took off. My brother in law grabbed his PPK and I grabbed my AK47 and we ran out the house after them but couldnt find em. Later at around 7:00 my mom caught them again but they dove into their car and took off. You could say I`m pissed!

Ways to catch them:
A cop told my mom he would sit in the back seat of her car some night and when they open the door, he`ll shoot them.

I wanna kill the pieces of sh*t but then I`ll be in jail. I need a silent way of killing them. I have a pellet gun that shoots 800fps and is dead accurate so I could sit on my roof and when the dick desides to touch the car I could put a pellet strait through his eye which would then enter his brain and parslyse/kill him. Then I could through the biotch into the trunk and burry his ass.

any other ideas are welcome

P.S sorry if this offends anybody but this has to stop

I don't know what state you live in. But in Texas you can shoot them if you have legal weapons and the car is on your private property. Just wait for them to bust the window or break in to the car then let them have it.
Any other state, I'd just run out and catch them and have someone call the law. Send them off in cuffs in the back of a patrol car. That's what I would do by default.
Killing isn't always necessary. It's not as easy as you may think to live with yourself after taking a life, no matter how mad at them you are. That sh*t would haunt you. Especially when it turns out to be some 15 year old puke with too much time on his hands. You'd have to listen to his mom and his school teachers carry on about what a good boy he was before you murdered him at your trial in court. Then the jury would feel bad for the dead kid and rape you. It's a lose lose. Just catch them, rough them up a bit and hand them over to the law.
Good Luck!
man r u sure that your not a (CRIMINAL)

i will feel sorry about thos thieves if you catch them lol...
Sorry to hear about that I'd do the paintball idea if they do go to the cops theyd get busted anyway
i dont belive the statement about cop sayin he'd sit in the back seat and shoot them. just doesnt happen, or even be mentioned like that. but shoot them in the f*cking ass with ur pellet gun. thats what id do.
get on of those plug in lights that clip onto like anything and they are pretty strong, or a spotlight... and wait with a video camera, you see em start messing aound hit em with the spotlight while camera is rollin and should be able to get a face shot, plus taht gonna scare the sh*t outta them. or you can rig up a button(or younger bro/sis) to shine a light from a direction while your standing semi opposite have them run right to where you are... catch atleast one of em... tie his hands and feet together.. call the police.. most of em dont wear gloves so you get him fingerprinted then get your car fingerprinted... bam.. they are caught. and just make the one friend..... "talk.." just take a hammer to his fingers one at a time.. start with the pinky and worth your way to the thumb, they usually start talking at the ring finger.... he/she will start talking right away