Bought My Kid A PW

thats is she doesn't wear it out first. haha if your planign on that later i;d definaley start lookign for a deal on a pipe now.. i saw a dynoport on ebay right when i bought mine and though ahh hell another will pop up... YEH RIGHT been 2 years have yet to see another.. dynoport will not build part for them anymore.. oh yeah.. youi can also "clutch" it like a sled... change the tension springs in the clutch.. they are very inexpensive as well..
thats is she doesn't wear it out first. haha if your planign on that later i;d definaley start lookign for a deal on a pipe now.. i saw a dynoport on ebay right when i bought mine and though ahh hell another will pop up... YEH RIGHT been 2 years have yet to see another.. dynoport will not build part for them anymore.. oh yeah.. youi can also "clutch" it like a sled... change the tension springs in the clutch.. they are very inexpensive as well..

yep ill let her have fun with it then ill take over & build it to what i want. i checked out ebay and they have all kinds of things to but for these lil bikes. also seen the fmf pipes for it.
i'm nto sure how good the fmf's are..

i dunno. if i cant find one of the dynoports ill try out an fmf. for right now i cant wiat to cut her loose on this bike. of course i gotta get her training wheels and safety equipment.
i would skip the training wheels personally.. can she ride a bicycles without training wheels?
whats funny is a few days ago i was thinkin now when she is done with this bike and moves to a bigger one i should build this one so i could ride it. i do plan on doing just that. only problem is i really need to beef up the suspension to carry my 200lbs. is there a way to do that?

i actually was thinking about that today lookin at the bike i know you can buy seperate swing arms and suspension but we use stock suspension on a trac and my friends 180 and it does perty good untill i decided i wnted to try to hit a double haha not good that hurt but you could probably buy an extra stock swinger just in cas and fab it up into a little more beefyer swingarm and put a crf 50 pitbike shock on it but not quite shure i might have to try it i was tryin to draw up plans but dint get to far lol
what im takin about is rite out of the engine where the exhaust bolts on it looks like a washer but might be a spark arestor and you can always remove the baffle in the exhaust too. and the washer dealio is rite under the cylender and i used a flat head scredriver cuz it was crusted on it mite also be in the part that connects i forgot what its called but it does increase the flow and it gave us more power and speed just a little bit tho like 2 mph and no it doesnt hurt it and it will also be a little lowder and once u put hulls in the airbox u might need to rejet it. oh i almost forgot check out bbr thats where we got the crf 50 set ups from
idk if they got pdub stuff tho :/ hope i helped, pm me if u need more details
what im takin about is rite out of the engine where the exhaust bolts on it looks like a washer but might be a spark arestor and you can always remove the baffle in the exhaust too. and the washer dealio is rite under the cylender and i used a flat head scredriver cuz it was crusted on it mite also be in the part that connects i forgot what its called but it does increase the flow and it gave us more power and speed just a little bit tho like 2 mph and no it doesnt hurt it and it will also be a little lowder and once u put hulls in the airbox u might need to rejet it. oh i almost forgot check out bbr thats where we got the crf 50 set ups from
idk if they got pdub stuff tho :/ hope i helped, pm me if u need more details

i figured out today what the washer was. i went to the yamaha shop to get what i thought was an exhaust gasket cause it was shaped just like the end of the header where it bolts up to the engine. well they look on the inventory for it and it dont list a gasket like that. the gasket they use is the lil doughnut type that fits into the header pipe. the parts guy told as we were gettin it ordered when i put it in that there is a peice in there that will look like a small washer what he says restricts the flow of the exhaust. then he says i can take that out it will hurt nothing and make it go a lil bit faster but not enuff to hurt anything.

I dont see a washer
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hey man when she gets older i did this to my friends pw 80 and it flys now it goes like 8 mph faster and more torque but what he did was put 6 5/8s holes in the air box 3 on each side and also when u take the exhaust off theres a washer that restricts the flow and if u take it off it gets u more power, i also adjusted the timing 4 degrees and wow its a hill blike.. i live in southeast mn and its all hills, but i would wait for a while b4 that and im also timid of that bike cuz my friend flipped it on a hill that he was jumping and had a siezure and cant ride for a few more weeks

ok here is the air filter box you are talkin about.

well i got to thinking maybe i could do away with the box & get a alumnium tube that will fit to the carb then go to the auto parts store and buy one of those small cold air intake filters to go on the other end. the small filter im talkin bout is the the one that fits onto the tube of the cold air intake on a car. so i dunno anyone got any thoughts on that? please feel free to share them;)


i also put on her new brakes today
Your such a great dad. Yrs from now she'll be recalling the good times she had with you and the bike, where you went riding etc. Started my son on an old RM50, 5spd, manual clutch, factory pipe. First summer didn't ride much, next summer he was rippen like a pro. Yrs latter he told me it scared him at first. Now he's 19 and just got a banshee!! We still have it and breake it out up at the trailer up north.
Your such a great dad. Yrs from now she'll be recalling the good times she had with you and the bike, where you went riding etc. Started my son on an old RM50, 5spd, manual clutch, factory pipe. First summer didn't ride much, next summer he was rippen like a pro. Yrs latter he told me it scared him at first. Now he's 19 and just got a banshee!! We still have it and breake it out up at the trailer up north.

thats what im shooting for. the reson i bought it was to give her something new to learn but create memerories for she & i both. im sure when she out grows this bike i'll keep it around maybe build it so i could putt around on it then years later bring it back out & let her have it so she will have her first bike all over again.
hmm i wonder if whomever you bought it from took the washer thing out. and yea ours was an 80 but thats where i would drill them. and if you have/ made a fly wheel puller you can advance it 4 degrees. and your idea i think would work
hmm i wonder if whomever you bought it from took the washer thing out. and yea ours was an 80 but thats where i would drill them. and if you have/ made a fly wheel puller you can advance it 4 degrees. and your idea i think would work

not sure if they took it out or not but as of tuesday it has one again:D
went last week and bought chest/spine protector, knee gaurds, elbow pads, helmet, neck roll, kidney belt, gloves & goggles for her. now all i gotta do is build a set of training wheels and we are set to ride. ill post up some pics of the training wheel set up once i get started. anyone know how these attach to the bike?
aahhaah bolts work best..hahaha i no im smart....hmmmmm sould u make brackets off the frame and attatch them that way
aahhaah bolts work best..hahaha i no im smart....hmmmmm sould u make brackets off the frame and attatch them that way

im thinking there has to be a bracket that bolts to the frame under the motor to hold em on. im gonna start hittin up the yamaha shops around me to she if i can find one that has em them go from there i guess.