Could somebody give me dimensions or a schematic or a blue print for bolt on caliper brackets for a banshee on an 01 carrier and a bolt on master cylinder bracket for the same? I did a search but came up with nothin.
lets get the details straight first
this is a banshee ????
i dont do banshee brakes, just 88-02 cable brake blasters
but, if it's shee parts on a blaster, i may be able to make you something,
never could get the pattern to size correctly when i tried to print them
yes i can make you a master bracket, but only a few have succeded going that route with just brackets, welding your own pedal extansion and getting the master mounted to work and align properly with the pedal
try eastcoastatv,com, get the number from the website, they make a conversion kit, but i've heard if you bug them they'll sale just that caliper brackets
It's not that hard to DIY. Start by looking at other threads about rear hydros. Awk does have a sweet set-up. Only thing I need to re-do is my pedal extension is to long, not enough pressure on MC. I used Warrior which is same thing.