I will have to agree, Paulie B would be cool to meet. Paulie you never seem raged by anything and always answer most of your own questions. Plus your bike is very unique and I mean that in that you didn't just krylon your bike, shocks, etc... in a unique color scheme.
hahaha wow!!i gotta lot of ppl wwith things for me lol!!
i think prhagle is older than 'the ox' seeing i have meet the ox in person, or he is just that young hat heart and it shows on the outside.!
FREEK im coming after you on the best air box thing!!
dead sexyest blaster = blasterjim ... just something about that black and blue powedercoating gets to me.. ( and i dont care for blue)
biggests used parts whores would go to two guys, mr305 and codykeon.. there allways buying everyones old stuff