blasterforum magazine..!!

i mean this prolly isnt gonna happen(the odds are like 100 to 1) but........ that 1?

LMAOO!!! dude get real, 100-1?? thats lil, this is impossible!!we cant even get more ppl to pay for a supporting member subscription let alone change the god dam banner.

Give it up, this is as close as youll get to a magazine. Even Raptorforum that has a f*ckload of members and alot of ppl that support it and lots of sponsors wont be able to pull it.
Its just a fun idea to kick around, we all know realistically it could never happen. You dont have to read the thread if you dont want too
what about a magazine/catalogue . a quarterly publication that updates parts houses , highlights our diy section , the for sale section could showcase parts that people already make . and don't forget BGOTQ!!! ( Blaster Girl Of The Quarter ) . I'll help , anyone willing to give it a go , PM me and we can discuss it
A digital magazine could work.

Okay its not going to be mega proffessional but, maybe something to do as a little hobby, not worth saying no to it.

Get a default layout sorted for articles etc. Anyone can do an article, or write up reviews etc. Send it to an 'appointed' editor. On the last day of every month get it uploaded. Possible to maybe get a few sponsors in there etc.

Don't look at it unrealistically, its not going to be mega successful, but a good hobby for people on the forum to be enjoyed by people on the forum.
A digital magazine could work.

Okay its not going to be mega proffessional but, maybe something to do as a little hobby, not worth saying no to it.

Get a default layout sorted for articles etc. Anyone can do an article, or write up reviews etc. Send it to an 'appointed' editor. On the last day of every month get it uploaded. Possible to maybe get a few sponsors in there etc.

Don't look at it unrealistically, its not going to be mega successful, but a good hobby for people on the forum to be enjoyed by people on the forum.

and 15 to post
A digital magazine could work.

Okay its not going to be mega proffessional but, maybe something to do as a little hobby, not worth saying no to it.

Get a default layout sorted for articles etc. Anyone can do an article, or write up reviews etc. Send it to an 'appointed' editor. On the last day of every month get it uploaded. Possible to maybe get a few sponsors in there etc.

Don't look at it unrealistically, its not going to be mega successful, but a good hobby for people on the forum to be enjoyed by people on the forum.

good answer man, also im still trying to get someone to make the BF members vid (hint hint)8-|, that was a yr ago lol, so we'll see if someone wants to do this
Ive got no clue with video editing, printing and webdesign being more my forte.
Maybe with the digital magazine, the 'intro' to the magazine could be the BlasterForum Video.

If there is enough interest i'd be up for helping out.
I'm down to help out , there is probably enough content on BF right now to do 6 magazines filled with information . Rome wasn't built in a day , and if you wan't nothing to do with it , then don't . Simple enough .