Actually I dont think the 3.8L motor is that bad at all. They had intake gasket problems just like all the other motors of that series but not a big deal. Its a WAY common motor so parts are plentiful. The transmission is a 4L60E which is a great tranny and they put them in EVERYTHING including the 320hp V8 model. Its basically the revamped version of the 700R4. That car on the other hand, I think is sh*t. I think the inside is one of the worst ineteriors ever. They are a pain to get in and out of and share seats with grand ams. I think they had 200 hp for the V6 which its a damn camero, you dont want a V6. I also think they ride like butt and road noise is terrible. They run about a 16 second quarter mile. Almost everything on the road would wipe you out...
If you want that car, go buy a grand am with the same motor for way cheaper....
Just my opinion.