Blaster meets Cop cars


New Member
Jan 18, 2009
Red Wing, MN
well i just wanted to share with you why us people that ride fourwheelers have a bad name sometimes. well im in a small town so stuff gets around fast but yesterday the DNR comes knocking on my door asking to see my fourwheeler (guy knows me he is a dick alot of times but this time nice but suspicious) ok well after he sees all my quads he starts informing me about this situation that happened that somebody on a white fourwheel was driving on the road stopped at the gas station about 2 miles away from me. well as he was pulling up aparently the gas station clerk called the cops when he pulled on to gas up the quad well about 5 mintues later he leaves with cops just pulling up to the stop lights as he is leaving from the station going across the highway. well then high speed pursiute into the valley towards my house well guy out runs the cops. cuts up a trail to get away. end of flashback i told him heard nothing out eating with family he leaves to question others. well today i was talking to my brother and i told him about it. he goes ya i saw him going across the highway to gas station this is at night after dinner. but guy was doing wheelies across the highway on a red light (i can see how thats safe not) but asked my brother what kind of wheeler was it. Yamaha Blaster white fenders red tank and noise piece.. well only one guy in this town owns a white red blaster lives next to me but he just got done installing his 240 kit so it was a test run i guess.. but he out ran the cops on a blaster i find that so cool.. but thats the end of the story
the only time when owning a unique quad is troublesome... when its NOT so unique and someone else has a similiar one, breaks the law, and it looks like you did it V.V. happened to me, some guy apparently has same car, diff colored door and fenders, and he stole $30 worth of gas from this turkey hill that is right across from where I work, lucky for me my work has cameras and I was in teh shop, my car out front when the crime happened. so no $530 fine for me wooopie!
I've ben stoped by the animal control and all they said was, you know your not supost to have that thing on the rode? I told him i'll go home, but I really didnt have to, I think he was just leting me know not to cause trouble. also passed 2 or 3 cop on the rode and they just waved, because I was being decente, and was not runing red lights. You should go over and tell the guy about what the cop said too you and just respectfully say something like " If you didnt alegedy run the red I think he would have just blew it off." So try to talk to him so the cops can keep turning a eye and let us in rural comunitys be. Aslo people in subdivisions and that live in citys please dont go taering down the road till you get to were you know the people around you dont care if you go flying down the road.
my town takes this stuff way to far had a friend on his dirtbike coming back from his friends on the road not flying going under the speed limit but he went up a hill road to go back to his house they thought he was fleeing he went to friends house left there drove into town later they get him on 4 charges so stuiped they stacked the house out like seriously. its kinda of a unwritten thing in our town fine to ride on the road just use signals stay off highways cause no distrubance have a rear brake light no riding before 9am no riding after 4pm wear a helmet i have done all this but the DNR i told you about insitst on pulling me over everytime.. thats why nobody like him
`its legal to have adirtbike on the road.. if your pushing it cause then its just a 200lb bicycle..
i've pushed my blaster to the track i use to ride on, it wasnt fun lol, just drove half the way back and most hills..
2 of my friends talked me into it
i rode mine up and down my street afew times just to do a little shake down and about two minutes later two cops come rollin down the street and stop in front of my house. they were really cool but the people who called them must be some real a$$holes cuz i never took it out of 2nd.
`its legal to have adirtbike on the road.. if your pushing it cause then its just a 200lb bicycle..

i was ridding my old TT-R 90 on the bike trail and the cop pulls me over and says shut it off and push it the rest of the way which i was just going to my neighbors which is 2 houses down on down hill. the one cop that i find is cool