Blaster Forum Youtube Account!!!


Feb 5, 2012
Kentland, Indiana
As many of you know, i recently got access to the blasterforum youtube account. For the last few days ive been trying to figure out how im going to get your videos off your pc to my pc for uploading on the channel. I have since come up with a solution. Heres the link for the software to be downloaded and i have been using this software to unzip folders for game mods, and its virus free! Download

Now before downloading please check out this video on how to download and zip/compress your files for emailing,..

Zip file how to - YouTube

Heres the email for the videos to be sent to:

Please also put in the message box what you would like your video name and description to be.

Please note that all videos will be watched and edited for vulgar and other inappropriate actions.
What is the blasterforum youtube account name? And what kinda videos will be posted?
Yeah, I would love the suggestions though! Ive already contacted some of teh big names that make videos and am trying to get their permission to post their vids on the channel.