Blaster Forum withdrawl symptoms


Your Friendly South African Ambassador
Mar 26, 2008
East London, South Africa
Well, i must say, i am having Bf withdrawl symptoms...Since im back at university, I have not managed to sort out my internet yet in my new flat. and so, i have been scarce on here...

Luckily we have a Wi Fi hotspot in our Honours lab but unfortunately, much work must be done in there and BF has to take a back seat!

I will have my internet going soon but untill then, dont expect to see much of me cause i know you all love me so much :D

By the way, do any of you guys know anything about the hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on the Marcellus and Barnett shales for natural gas thats been a thing and all in the US? I just finished a 3 day conference with some German scientists exploring the options for out gas here. Any of you guys work on the drilling rigs or anything there?
We have a large scientific operation going on looking at uncontrolled methane outgassing from the drilling rigs and wells after the fracking is done. Unfortunately, the bore hole isn't the only place fracking puts pressure and methane gas finds its way out. Methane is about 100 times more potent than CFC's at reflect infrared rays back to earth when it's in the atmosphere.
I know the withdrawal feelings!

You're doing a good thing by furthering your education. I just hope that its a lot more reasonable there than it has become here in the states!
ya true Sic but Methanes life span in the atmosphere is only about 3 months compared to CO2 and CFC's which are indefinate. CFC are basically redundant these days and they are officially banned and are no longer produced.

Fracking utelises horizontal drilling once the shale bed has been hit so you are right the risk area is larger than just the well head.

We are trying to determine the likely hood of leaking and are investigating all possible scenarios to avoid groundwater contamination. I come in in investigating the faulting and jointing of the rock above the shales and determine the chances of the methane following weak spots up to the aquifers.

Basically we will not mine untill we are sure we can do it safely.

its an exciting thing to be part of!!
i know a little about sand fracking but not hydraulic sorry

well its really the same thing, the wells are fractured with fracking fluid and then sand/porcelin.resin coated sand is pumped into the well which keeps the fractures open and allows the gas to escape easier.

What is the public feel on the topic in the US and has it become well established?

In SA, we have the 3rd largest natural "tight" gas reserve in the world (50% of the countries area) but we proceeding with caution. We lloking at your mistakes and finding ways to avoid them :)

interestingly, fracking is being blamed for methane contaminated water in the US however studies are showing that these water wells are not actually being contaminated by the fracking but were actually drilled into micro pockets of methane to begin with and so the gas companies are not actually responsible...but make a nice scapegoat...

What can you guys tell me about the Eternal flame falls or something like that? I hear its somewhere near new york? something about a gas leak that occurs naturally. anyone familiar with it?
well its really the same thing, the wells are fractured with fracking fluid and then sand/porcelin.resin coated sand is pumped into the well which keeps the fractures open and allows the gas to escape easier.

What is the public feel on the topic in the US and has it become well established?

In SA, we have the 3rd largest natural "tight" gas reserve in the world (50% of the countries area) but we proceeding with caution. We lloking at your mistakes and finding ways to avoid them :)

interestingly, fracking is being blamed for methane contaminated water in the US however studies are showing that these water wells are not actually being contaminated by the fracking but were actually drilled into micro pockets of methane to begin with and so the gas companies are not actually responsible...but make a nice scapegoat...

What can you guys tell me about the Eternal flame falls or something like that? I hear its somewhere near new york? something about a gas leak that occurs naturally. anyone familiar with it?

Hey bro, here in PA, the tree huggers are up in arms about the fracking going on here, I'm not convinced either way, was going to get a job in that feild but didn't work out in my favor!

Anyways, The testing results here have all been, good , they found that the fracking companies are not polluting the water, also locally one company that was hauling waste water actually dumped his loads into a popular watershed and is now behind bars as he should be! However I know that in mid pa there is an underground fire that has been burning for decades- But that is coal related! Centralia PA Mine Fire - Coal Burning underground, Homes destroyed
i work in the oil/gas fields everyday. the anti's are beyond crazy and ny is and alway's will be a problem.most want to complain but they sure like their heat and electricity don't they. there are no major problems with the fracking process only the stupid people who do things illegally that create the the mess for the people doing it right. we are starting to see major oil deposit's in ohio and western pa at some of the exploritory wells and have currently been hauling crude oil to a refinery in ohio and they are reopening one in kentucky. i think you will find the one who do not have property leases will tell you the bad but talk to the farmers/landowners who are making money and ask they're side of the story. i'm sure i'm a little biased but have been in the field for quite a few years and have seen both sides. if you were to go with me to a drill rig you would be amazed at the regulations(yes we do need them) that we have to follow,but in the end everyone craves oil/gas for our future